Educational Fundraiser Nabirye Moreen

Educational Fundraiser Nabirye Moreen

Dear good Samaritans,


My name is Nabirye Moreen a child at Youth in Act-Uganda - His Grace Children's Home Lugolole, Mayuge District. I am requesting for your help towards my education. I am the eldest child at the Children's Home.

 My dream is to become a qualified Nurse & Medical Professional. My hopes are to becoming a qualified nurse to save lives, set up a community hospital in the future for those people who can not afford to pay for treatment. I have always seen uncle Waiswa John Billy struggle when one of my little ones fall sick at the orphanage. This is why I want to set up the community hospital.

If I cannot raise the required funds to become a medical professional I will then do a two year  National Certificate in Accounting (NCA). So after completing my two year course in Accounting I will be able to get a job and also be able to help the orphans and needy children in the world.

Please help me with anything you can so that I can be able to complete my studies.

These are the economic requirements:

The current fees per semester is 1,850,000 Uganda Shillings= which is USD $528. A year has two semesters and the course is for two and a half years.

The total cost for 2.5 years and 5 semesters is $2,640.00 US

Plus living expense  per semester is USD $270.00 US =1.350.00

Total 3,990.00 US or  5,312.65

Thank you for your consideration of my future life of service. If you require further information please message me on facebook or send me an email. 

Nabirye Moreen


0% funded
0 CAD received
0 backers
298 days left


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