Launched our first ZOOM Video Conference Session April 24th 2022



These Virtual Study sessions have been initiated by Kato Pare and Johnprosper Kyomujuni while at the first school term following the lockdowns. They started with informal zoom calls with students they introduced the revelation to while at school. 

We are now planning to have these meetings at least once a month with the youth of Uganda seeking information about epochal revelations. 

We will be posting here a link to a Campaign to help them with data cost so they can join these meetings. A 1 hour zoom connection in Uganda cost 6:00 CAD in data charges. 

Screenshots from our first meeting. 


Music by Johnprosper one of the organizers during the zoom session 


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Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group

Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group

Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group for Meeting and Learning Please Join us from around the world as we engage the study of new revelations and the Gospel of Jesus. - We will conduct a monthly ZOOM Meeting - Students and teachers of the Revelation are welcome to Join US.
