In our Daily Lives
Adopting African Orphanage Children
This is Mukaaya Akiram.
Adopted by Sam.
His birthdate is 12/28/2007. He needs some monthly letters of love and prayers.
This is Mukaaya Hatim.
Adopted by Misty!
His birthday is 04/24/2009. He would be so happy to have a family praying for him and sending him cards and letters too!
This is Kakande, Bright.
He has been adopted by Maria!
He is 9 years old
His birth date is 10/7/2006
If you would like to adopt him, please comment and I will send you details in a message by the end of the day. If you see someone has already commented that they would like to "adopt him from afar" please wait for another child who could use some love too.
This is Nankyinga, Victor.
Adopted by Sarah!
Her birthdate is 01/05/2010. She wants someone to write to her and pray for her!
If you would like to adopt her, please comment and I will send you details in a message. ~ Jane
This is Babirye, Tashiri.
Adopted by Melanie!
Her birth date is 1/17/2012. She and Nakato Tashari are twins.
This is Nakato, Tashari.
Adopted by Karolena!
Her birth date is 1/17/2012. She and Babirye, Tashiri are twins.
Pictures of two girls receiving letters at Samaritan Foundation Orphanage.