The Perfect Balance

The Perfect Balance ~
Jesus was the perfect balance in a human personality. He was all the things many of us aspire to be when we aim at that perfection in life's doings. A perfectly unified personality, and the perfect example of how each of us can become more and more balanced in our own lives.
100:7.4 Urantia Book
~ The Son of Man was always a well-poised personality. Even his enemies maintained a wholesome respect for him; they even feared his presence. Jesus was unafraid. He was surcharged with divine enthusiasm, but he never became fanatical. He was emotionally active but never flighty. He was imaginative but always practical. He frankly faced the realities of life, but he was never dull or prosaic. He was courageous but never reckless; prudent but never cowardly. He was sympathetic but not sentimental; unique but not eccentric. He was pious but not sanctimonious. And he was so well-poised because he was so perfectly unified.