Disciple Making Movement Pakistan
Mission Statement
In obedience to the Teachings of Jesus Christ, we will love God, love our neighbors, and go make disciple makers in our local communities!
196:3.1 Personal, spiritual religious experience is an efficient solvent for most mortal difficulties; it is an effective sorter, evaluator, and adjuster of all human problems. Religion does not remove or destroy...
We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● There are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of worlds ● The Master Universe is filled with multiple billions of inhabited whirling worlds of space. ● This Group is about our neighboring worlds in our system of...
Hi dear friends, greetings to all. I would like to share with you some thoughts about spiritual leadership, that could be helpful to understand what it truly means to be an Urantia Book leader and teacher:
The Urantia Book speaks about effective...
THE Ordination Sermon of Jesus to his then ordained Apostles his agents and representatives serving in their day and generation.
Photo: The Ordination Sermon
Then Jesus spoke, saying: “Now that you are ambassadors of my Father’s...
If you would have friends you must show forth the aroma of friendliness that eminates from a love saturated soul. Perchance you must show yourself to be friendly.
Are these the new human teachers of truth like the Prophets and Scribes of old who taught the people and wrote the scriptures as an inspiration for the past and present ages and generations?
Q ● What is the difference between listening to, and hearing the word of God?
Hearing and Obeying (Hebrew Bible) Biblical Hebrew Revelation Deism Hebrew (language) Listening Prayer and Prayers ...
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