Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

      195:6.1 Scientists have unintentionally precipitated mankind into a materialistic panic; they have started an unthinking run on the moral bank of the ages, but this bank of human experience has vast spiritual resources; it can stand the demands being made upon it. Only unthinking men become panicky about the spiritual assets of the human race. When the materialistic-secular panic is over, the religion of Jesus will not be found bankrupt. The spiritual bank of the kingdom of heaven will be paying out faith, hope, and moral security to all who draw upon it “in His name.”

      Peace Panic
      Has 911 changed what we,
      Do and see in 23?
      We know it’s changed security
      But has it change the way we see?

      Events erupt from our past times.
      We have parades by our design.
      Parades can mark our victories,
      But sometimes we are on our knees.

      Bad things that happened in our past
      Can have effects that last and last.
      We had more joy in times gone by,
      Or were we blind and did not try?

      What have we learned from 911?
      What did we do, what have we done?
      More peace is what I wish to ask
      Is that not truly our main task?

      We didn’t turn the other cheek!
      No we didn’t, we weren’t meek.
      We tried to force our will on others.
      It did not work, they are our brothers.

      So much war gave others license
      To invade despite defiance.
      We’re consumed by wars destruction.
      A pyrrhic victory’s in discussion.

      Thank You, Father, You’re in charge.
      So far, this war is not too large.
      I pray for peace upon this planet
      Before destruction makes us panic.