Tumwijukye simon's Wall

    • Tumwijukye simon
      Tumwijukye simon posted 1 images

      28:6.18 The universal economy is based on intake and output; throughout the eternal career you will never encounter monotony of inaction or stagnation of personality. Progress is made possible by inherent motion, advancement grows out of the divine capacity for action, and achievement is the child of imaginative adventure. But inherent in this capacity for achievement is the responsibility of ethics, the necessity for recognizing that the world and the universe are filled with a multitude of differing types of beings. All of this magnificent creation, including yourself, was not made just for you. This is not an egocentric universe. The Gods have decreed, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and said your Master Son, “He who would be greatest among you let him be server of all.”

      It’s cooler now, but heat’s a comin’.
      We live the now as it’s becomin’.
      On the crest of our existence.
      We find good paths when we’re persistent.

      Persistent in our search for Truth.
      The ways of Love are never rude.
      Look for things that need be done.
      Then work until the setting sun.

      Once the Truth within is found,
      Then it can spread to those around.
      It has a ring that is Truth’s timbre.
      It is the Truth not propaganda.

      The Truth will stand the test of time.
      Your inner Truth is what’s Divine.
      Temporal truths sometimes will fade.
      But inner Truth will always stay.

      In your inner life you ask
      What’s the best way through this task?
      Sincerely looking for best ways.
      Use your courage when dismayed.

      Yes, sometimes we must use courage.
      Faith in good we must encourage.
      Faith does get me through my day.
      It lights a pathway through dismay.

      Thank You, Father, for this path.
      Please forgive me for my past.
      With sincerity of Spirit
      I will speak with all who hear it.