Kisa Esau's Wall

    • Kisa Esau
      Kisa Esau

      We cannot exercise our faith beyond what we believe to be possible.

      • Kisa Esau
        Kisa Esau

        I believe that God wants to put His hand upon us so that we may reach ideal definitions of humility, of human helplessness, of human insufficiency, until we will rest no more upon human plans, but have God's thoughts, God's voice, and the Holy Spirit to speak to us.

        • Kisa Esau
          Kisa Esau

          Psalm 82:3
          Defend the weak and the fatherless;
          uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

          • Kisa Esau
            Kisa Esau posted 3 images

            This is real and it's happening in Kalamoja district
            Nothing else is killing people but hunger. They just fall down and die.

            • Kisa Esau
              Kisa Esau posted 1 images

              The population of homeless kids, orphans in Uganda increases everyday due to the lack of jobs. The number of school dropouts is also increasing , under ages to conceive is becoming common. Children abuse and human suffering.

              Ugandans are leaving behind everything, to go in desert countries to look for green pastures which is becoming more difficult, because when some reaches there, their bosses consider them to be slaves and use them whatever they want. Some come back when they're in confins. Those who come back in confins, they had childrens before they left. And those are some of the children who are on the streets today.

              Others their parents Carry them for 9months and throw them in toilets after birth, when they get saved, they have no place to stay so they end up on the streets. And their those who run from their homes because of hunger,like in Kalamoja and other districts, thinking they will get a better life after reaching there. Some of the kids are being killed because they get groups ,no one to tell them what's right and what's wrong.

              Personally I know what it means and am sure you also do. A serious team is needed maybe to develop a foundation that will stay for centuries.

              Comment with your opinion

              • Kisa Esau
                Kisa Esau

                Our Father in heaven, how we love you; how you love us. A new day unfolds, and we desire that it is infused with our worship of you. As we turn our eyes on the beauty of you, our spirits lift and find peace. Please pour out your Spirit upon us today, so we can worship in fresh ways

                • Kisa Esau
                  Kisa Esau

                  Gracious God,
                  Thank you for the gift of today.
                  Refresh me. Invite me to discover your presence
                  In each person that I meet
                  And every event that I encounter.
                  Teach me when to speak and when to listen
                  When to ponder and when to share.
                  In moments of challenge and decision
                  Attune my heart to the whisperings of your Wisdom.
                  As I undertake ordinary and unnoticed tasks,
                  Gift me with simple joy.
                  When my day goes well, may I rejoice.
                  When it grows difficult, surprise me with
                  New possibilities.
                  When life is overwhelming, call me to
                  Sabbath moments
                  To restore your Peace and Harmony.
                  May my living today reveal your Goodness.

                  • Kisa Esau
                    Kisa Esau

                    Jesus, you say that you came to bring us life, and life to the full. Through your death and resurrection, you brought hope to life. You gave us access to heaven and the limitless goodness and wisdom of the Father. Give me the desire today to seek you and teach me to value you above anything else. In your name I pray, Amen.

                    • Kisa Esau
                      Kisa Esau

                      Shalom everyone, I'm here with good news today and it made me happy ,so I thought maybe I could share with you, you know whenever we share such testimonies their people who change , I won't stop thanking people who ve been together with me from beginning, those who heard my voice We succeeded in other things and we failed in others, though no matter how big they were, they never stopped us from moving forward and doing what is right.

                      I received a heart warming message from some students we stood with in their studies 3 years back , we shared alot and what made me happy is , telling me they are doing fine , to me it was enough because it's what I wanted before

                      • Kisa Esau
                        Kisa Esau

                        We give not because we have so much but because we know what it's like to have nothing.