Manyi john's Wall

    • Manyi john
      Manyi john shared a link

      Fellow urantia readers ,at least you have know how it feels to read the urantia book while holding it in your hands for two hours ,most especially when standing and teaching in the group .
      any help with buying a pedestal desk will honestly will be appreciated

      Summons would move on swiftly ...
      I hope you shall consider a small amount towards our church's goal of £200 .£20 has been raised is the link to donate to

      Please help, my church needs a reading desk, organized by Yvonne Gourlay

      Hi my name is Yvonne Gourlay, I'm 44 a born again Christian in Scotland UK… Yvonne Gourlay needs your support for Please help, my church needs a reading desk

      Manyi john

      Manyi john

      44:3.1 There are cities "whose builder and maker is God." In spirit counterpart we have all that you mortals are familiar with and inexpressibly more. We have homes, spirit comforts, and morontia necessities. For every material satisfaction which humans are capable of enjoying, we have thousands of spiritual realities that serve to enrich and enlarge our existence. The divine builders function in seven groups: