Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)'s Wall

    • Magara Benjamin
      Magara Benjamin

      Hello everyone! I greet you all in the name of our dearest father. I’m excited to let you know that as CMC Kampala we are planning a special event soon in Kampala at makerere university to give out URANTIA books and connect with our community.

      Event Details;
      Date: to be communicated
      Time: to be communicated
      Location: to be communicated

      We plan to distribute at least 30 URANTIA books and introduce new readers to the teachings of the URANTIA Book. We plan to invite over 30 attendees. The event is free to everyone who would wish to attend either physical or online. We will also have refreshments and name tags to enhance our experiences.

      Your support and presence will make a big difference. Those who may find it difficult to attend physically, there shall be an opportunity to attend online via zoom or Google meet. The link shall be provided as soon as all details are set.

      If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

      Looking forward to seeing you there ❤
      For more information please email me at

      Coordinator CMC Kampala

      • Paul Kemp Administrator
        By Paul Kemp Administrator

        You can donate to CMC Kampala here or contact Benjamin for information on sending a direct transfer through several dependable transfer services.

        For information on CMC Kampala the Group is here.

    Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)

    Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)

    Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda) Niwamanya Benjamin (Magara) Love: It’s possible for you to live a life of love where you love yourself, others, and God. LOVE IS THE DESIRE TO DO GOOD TO OTHERS: bringing salvation, healing, deliverance, enlightenment, and spiritual growth to hearts, minds, and souls, worldwide.