Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)'s Wall

    • Magara Benjamin
      Magara Benjamin posted 1 images
      • Magara Benjamin
        By Magara Benjamin

        Christ Michael center Kampala (CMC) brings you Introduction to the URANTIA book and presentation of the URANTIA book copies outreach due Sunday 8th September.The link for virtual attendees will be shared soon.

        Keep the event under your prayers

      • Magara Benjamin
        Magara Benjamin shared a link

        Greetings our next meeting is due Friday 16th August this week at 8pm Uganda time. We shall share our thoughts from the URANTIA book Paper 170 which is about The Kingdom of Heaven. The concept is explored primarily through the teachings and life of Jesus. The paper discusses the nature and characteristics of the "kingdom of heaven" as Jesus taught it. Central to this concept is the idea that the kingdom is both a present spiritual reality and a future, more complete experience. It emphasizes that the kingdom of heaven is not a physical domain but a spiritual state characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy. It involves an inner transformation and a personal relationship with God, where believers strive to live according to divine principles and manifest the values of love and service in their daily lives. This kingdom is seen as a growing reality in the hearts of individuals who follow Jesus' teachings and commit to the path of spiritual development.

        Find the attached pdf of the my presentation for Friday by clicking on the link below;!AqrhSvkK26Kd9GQ3Qe510MuJHDIp?e=6FqzZj

        Looking forward to seeing you there. Use the link below to join the meeting on Friday at 8pm Uganda time

        Brought to you by:
        The Christ Michael Center
        X: @JesusHub
        SoundCloud: ChristMichaelCenter
        Facebook: ChristMichaelCenter
        YouTube: @ChristMichaelCenter

        • Magara Benjamin
          Magara Benjamin

          Hello everyone! I greet you all in the name of our dearest father. I’m excited to let you know that as CMC Kampala we are planning a special event soon in Kampala at makerere university to give out URANTIA books and connect with our community.

          Event Details;
          Date: to be communicated
          Time: to be communicated
          Location: to be communicated

          We plan to distribute at least 30 URANTIA books and introduce new readers to the teachings of the URANTIA Book. We plan to invite over 30 attendees. The event is free to everyone who would wish to attend either physical or online. We will also have refreshments and name tags to enhance our experiences.

          Your support and presence will make a big difference. Those who may find it difficult to attend physically, there shall be an opportunity to attend online via zoom or Google meet. The link shall be provided as soon as all details are set.

          If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

          Looking forward to seeing you there ❤
          For more information please email me at

          Coordinator CMC Kampala

          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            By Paul Kemp Administrator

            You can donate to CMC Kampala here or contact Benjamin for information on sending a direct transfer through several dependable transfer services.

            For information on CMC Kampala the Group is here.

          • Magara Benjamin
            Magara Benjamin

            Dear Ambassadors,

            I am excited to share some exciting news with you all! We will be receiving an additional 50 URANTIA books in Kampala. The shipment order will be placed on July 31, 2024, and we expect the books to arrive between August 15 and September 1.

            This is a wonderful chance for us to learn more about the URANTIA teachings. Whether you are new to the book or have been reading it for years, these new copies will allow more people to start their spiritual journey and discover the important truths within its pages. This also means we can finally meet the growing requests from many who are eager to explore the URANTIA revelations.

            Thanks to the team of ambassadors in Denmark for the love they show for the revelation, for they have made this happen again.

            Let's celebrate this great news together and keep searching for knowledge, truth, and spiritual growth.

            Niwamanya Benjamin Magara
            CMC Kampala Coordinator

            • Soren K Vestergaard
              By Soren K Vestergaard

              We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment in spreading the teachings of the Urantia Book in Africa; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the diverse languages and cultural frameworks present across the continent. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience—God-consciousness.

            • Magara Benjamin
              Magara Benjamin shared a link

              Greatings everyone, I do kindly request you to follow us on Twitter currently known as X @christ Michael Kampala through;


              Thanks for your Time, feel free to comment on our posts

              • Magara Benjamin
                Magara Benjamin shared a link

                An Appeal for Support towards the growth of Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family.

                Dear Brothers and Sisters,

                I trust this message finds you well and filled with the spirit of giving. As a cherished member and coordinator of our Christ Michael Center Kampala fellowship family, I am compelled to reach out to you with a heartfelt appeal for your support. Our fellowship is currently composed of over 30 members, of these over 8 are females and the rest are males. Most of the group members are at Makerere University others are at Kampala International University. Our fellowship is growing at a high speed as we aim at accomplishing our target of spreading the word of the new revelation to all universities in Uganda and the whole world at large.

                In these unprecedented times, our fellowship family has faced its share of trials and tribulations. Yet, through the strength of our unity and the unwavering commitment to our spiritual journey, we have persevered. However, as we navigate the challenges of the current landscape, we find ourselves in need of additional resources to sustain our momentum and continue our mission of spiritual growth and community building.

                Our primary avenue for staying connected and fostering spiritual nourishment is through virtual gatherings and study sessions conducted via Zoom and Google meet. While these online platforms have proven invaluable in maintaining our sense of community, they come with their own set of challenges. The costs associated with organizing these events, including event coordination and data expenses, have placed a strain on our resources.

                Due to high zoom cost implementation and maintenance in terms of subscription fee and data expenses, we have found it a good idea to opt for Google meet as our overall mode of conducting our virtual meetings. In making more research we came to know that if we get in position of raising Canadian dollars 192, we can be able to obtain a premium Google meet account for our fellowship for one year. The Google meet premium account can enable us conduct our meetings without any time limits.

                As we all know that every good aspect has some challenges attached to, we came to realize that attending a meeting via Google meet for an hour costs $3 per attendee per hour. We are looking at always attending our fellowships for about 2 hours or more making it a requirement for each attendee to be in position of having $6 as data expenses for the estimated time. This has left us with limited finances to assist the members in attending our fellowships.

                This is where your support can make a tangible difference. By contributing to our fundraising efforts, you will directly empower us to:
                1. Enhance the quality of our events: Your generous donation will enable us to elevate the caliber of our virtual gatherings and study sessions. From securing knowledgeable guest speakers to investing in interactive learning resources, your support will help us deliver enriching experiences that deepen our spiritual understanding and strengthen our bonds as a community.

                2. Expand access to all members: We recognize that financial constraints should never be a barrier to participation in our fellowship family. With your support, we can provide assistance to those members who may face challenges in accessing the necessary technology or internet connectivity required for our online activities. Your generosity will ensure that every member of our community feels valued and included, regardless of their circumstances.

                3. Sustain our collective growth: Your investment in our fellowship family is an investment in the collective well-being and spiritual evolution of each member. By supporting our initiatives, you are helping to create a nurturing environment where individuals can explore their faith, deepen their spiritual connection, and forge lasting friendships that extend beyond the confines of our virtual gatherings.

                Your contribution, no matter the size, will have a profound impact on the lives of our members and the vitality of our community. Together, we can overcome the obstacles before us and emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

                Thank you for considering our appeal and for your continued commitment to the Christ Michael Center Kampala fellowship family. May your generosity be a beacon of hope and inspiration to us all.

                With heartfelt gratitude and blessings,

                NIWAMANYA BENJAMIN MAGARA (Coordinator CMC Kampala Fellowship)

                The campaign link is provided below;

                PLEASE DONATE


                Christ Michael (Jesus) Center Kampala Campaign :: SpiritualFamily.Net


                Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind

              Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)

              Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda)

              Christ Michael Center Kampala Fellowship Family (Uganda) Niwamanya Benjamin (Magara) Love: It’s possible for you to live a life of love where you love yourself, others, and God. LOVE IS THE DESIRE TO DO GOOD TO OTHERS: bringing salvation, healing, deliverance, enlightenment, and spiritual growth to hearts, minds, and souls, worldwide.