112:4.2 In some way not fully understood, the Universal Censors are able to gain possession of an epitome of the human life as it is embodied in the Adjuster’s duplicate transcription of the spiritual values and morontia meanings of the indwelt mind. The Censors are able to appropriate the Adjuster’s version of the deceased human’s survival character and spiritual qualities, and all this data, together with the seraphic records, is available for presentation at the time of the adjudication of the individual concerned. This information is also used to confirm those superuniverse mandates which make it possible for certain ascenders immediately to begin their morontia careers, upon mortal dissolution to proceed to the mansion worlds ahead of the formal termination of a planetary dispensation.
The Way Ahead
The year is young and I slept in.
My wife and I saw it begin.
There was joy throughout the world.
It spread as Your Will was unfurled!
Do we Trust with Living Faith?
Entrust your will, and find your fate.
Open up the eyes that see
And change your course through reality.
You’re going to feel an inner glow
As your will gets in the flow.
Of Eternity’s Time Creator.
Love is always a peacemaker!
To get to peace we go through war.
We must learn why we do abhor
War’s face when it is at our door.
Of loving kindness, we need more!
What a world in which to live
Where some have never learned to give.
Power corrupts us at our core.
Must history repeat like before?
Not if Love will stand against
The evilness that is intense.
Evil tricks will be exposed
By your insight as it grows!
Thank You, Father, the road ahead
Is something we need learn, not dread.
Faith that Goodness will prevail.
Provides Your blaze upon my trail.
146:2.14 13. Jesus taught that the prayer for divine guidance over the pathway of earthly life was next in importance to the petition for a knowledge of the Father’s will. In reality this means a prayer for divine wisdom. Jesus never taught that human knowledge and special skill could be gained by prayer. But he did teach that prayer is a factor in the enlargement of one’s capacity to receive the presence of the divine spirit. When Jesus taught his associates to pray in the spirit and in truth, he explained that he referred to praying sincerely and in accordance with one’s enlightenment, to praying wholeheartedly and intelligently, earnestly and steadfastly.
The Path Ahead
The days ahead show winter’s here.
But rain with storms is what is near.
Snow appears later on this week.
Our winter temps are at their peak
As the temperature does cool down,
The rain turns snow upon the ground.
And winterscapes turn white and gray.
And there’s more time inside today.
Cleaning house or cooking food?
Both things do require a mood.
Decide to do what suits you best.
Contribute what you can – no less!
You can choose the mood you wish
Adapting to the way you’re pushed.
Your inner light helps show the path.
Adjust the now ‘fore it’s gone passed.
The here and now is where you choose.
Choose love and peace within, then groove!
That’s a way that fills your cup.
Love will be more than enough!
Love will grow, just give a bit.
A fire grows when it’s been lit.
Love will show you as God wants.
Decisions help your eloquence.
Thank You Father— the One inside.
Faith in You serves as my guide.
Peace within now I have found.
And that promotes a joyful sound!
101:.2 Faith-insight, or spiritual intuition, is the endowment of the cosmic mind in association with the Thought Adjuster, which is the Father’s gift to man. Spiritual reason, soul intelligence, is the endowment of the Holy Spirit, the Creative Spirit’s gift to man. Spiritual philosophy, the wisdom of spirit realities, is the endowment of the Spirit of Truth, the combined gift of the bestowal Sons to the children of men. And the co-ordination and interassociation of these spirit endowments constitute man a spirit personality in potential destiny.
Inside Lover
Today, my trust and faith in You
Must manifest in what I do!
Every day this fact is true.
I’m learning how to best love You!
To fit within the flow of time
Is a skill that is Divine.
It can be taught to mortal man.
The God inside will lend a hand!
look for what you have inside.
You’ll find God there, and He’s alive.
Once you find Him then have faith.
God’s found you, your soul is safe!
Try to work with Him in ways.
Find His humor – how He plays.
Love will show with open minds.
Courage never needs a sign.
You know if you do love or not.
Love takes everything you got!
Tears sometimes are too involved.
In time we’ll see all sadness solved.
Trials and tribulations solved?
Love is how they’re all resolved!
Loving kindness has a way.
It absorbs our bad displays.
Father, thank You once again.
I will improve the world I’m in!
Seeds all grow where they’ve been planted.
We can choose to be united!
140:8.3 Jesus made clear to the three the difference between the requirements of apostleship and discipleship. And even then he did not forbid the exercise of prudence and foresight by the twelve. What he preached against was not forethought but anxiety, worry. He taught the active and alert submission to God’s will. In answer to many of their questions regarding frugality and thriftiness, he simply called attention to his life as carpenter, boatmaker, and fisherman, and to his careful organization of the twelve. He sought to make it clear that the world is not to be regarded as an enemy; that the circumstances of life constitute a divine dispensation working along with the children of God.
Future Faith
Faith that things will all work out.
Helps me see what life’s about.
To sit and worry and do nothing.
Doesn’t help my path for walking!
To sit with worry is disturbing.
It robs you of the things you’re doing.
Worry wastes both time and effort.
It destroys all sense of comfort!
Use that Spirit found within.
Trust and faith dissolve your sins.
God forgives before you ask.
He’ll help you with your hardest tasks!
Look for God, then you’ve been found.
And then your sight is not earthbound.
Your vision for the future clears.
And worry is what disappears!
The peaceful feelings, faith begets
Will fill this world with God effects!
Faith in goodness, kindness, love.
Will help world problems all be solved.
Steadfast faith is what we need.
In times of trouble, we need love seeds.
The will of God will grow with grace.
Love will rule the human race!
Thank You Father, You’re in charge.
And I have faith You will enlarge
The love we all contain within.
Love will conquer the world we’re in!
85:2.4&5 Ideas about tree spirits varied greatly among different tribes and races. Some trees were indwelt by kindly spirits; others harbored the deceptive and cruel. The Finns believed that most trees were occupied by kind spirits. The Swiss long mistrusted the trees, believing they contained tricky spirits. The inhabitants of India and eastern Russia regard the tree spirits as being cruel. The Patagonians still worship trees, as did the early Semites. Long after the Hebrews ceased tree worship, they continued to venerate their various deities in the groves. Except in China, there once existed a universal cult of the tree of life.
The belief that water or precious metals beneath the earth’s surface can be detected by a wooden divining rod is a relic of the ancient tree cults. The Maypole, the Christmas tree, and the superstitious practice of rapping on wood perpetuate certain of the ancient customs of tree worship and the later-day tree cults.
Special days bring holidays
The time of year when we all play.
The gift of giving brings us cheer.
Giving lifts our spirits here!
A day when no one e’er should fight.
Peace should flow from morn till night.
The birthday of our Prince of Peace.
Someday all wars on earth will cease!
Until that day, we must improve.
The prides of nations we must lose.
All for one and one for all.
Democracies must be installed!
One world united’s not a dream.
We can do this, though it seems.
The pace of progress is so slow.
Love will win! That’s what I know!
Love’s the force of God in action—
His Will the source of satisfaction.
Love fights for what’s best for all
And writes a story that enthralls!
Love can never make mistakes.
And it exists, though time it takes
To manifest and show what’s best.
Time reveals what’s been a guess.
Thanks You Father for Your Will.
Your plan of action – Love instills.
Love is how this world will be.
Love will rule democracies!
70:5.6 At first the war chiefs were chosen only for military service, and they would relinquish some of their authority during peacetimes, when their duties were of a more social nature. But gradually they began to encroach upon the peace intervals, tending to continue to rule from one war on through to the next. They often saw to it that one war was not too long in following another. These early war lords were not fond of peace.
Peace Be Among Us
Frozen snow upon the ground.
The morning’s quiet. There’s no sound.
One can contemplate and think.
One can see we’re on the brink!
There’s dissension in our ranks.
There’s good on both sides of these banks.
We need to learn to compromise.
And not wage wars we all despise!
We need cool heads to lead us on.
To win this world, wars must be gone!
Leaders who want war not peace
Must be exposed, and then impeached!
Of course, there’s some who’d trick us all.
What they heed is power’s call.
They want for us to fight until
The art of war has filled their tills!
The power to send us into war
Is what warmongers do strive for.
They arouse the fight within us.
But they are gone when wars are finished.
Leaders who promote our peace.
Help us all control our beast.
Solutions that are good for all
Create within us something tall!
Thank You Father, You’ll help us find
Leaders who, though not Divine,
Can help to lead us into light.
I vote for peace, and not to fight!
140:8.13 He made it clear that indiscriminate kindness may be blamed for many social evils. The following day Jesus definitely instructed Judas that no apostolic funds were to be given out as alms except upon his request or upon the joint petition of two of the apostles. In all these matters it was the practice of Jesus always to say, “Be as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves.” It seemed to be his purpose in all social situations to teach patience, tolerance, and forgiveness.
A blanket white begins the day.
It’s colder too, no melt today.
Still, there things that need be done.
To brave the cold, our day’s begun!
Out the door with keys in hand.
Out to live upon this land.
Do those things one does to live.
Shop for groceries, shop to give!
Surprise, surprise, snow from the sky.
It’s falling as I go outside.
Beauty, but there’s also danger.
Roads get slick as the snow lingers.
But still, there’s things that I must do.
Find good things on the path to truth!
Living with an open mind
One can choose then to be kind.
Kindness can lead one to love.
Love helps kindness find and solve.
Solve the art of what’s called living.
Love returns what you are giving!
Kindness is a giving act.
To truly give, you must learn tact.
To give when someone doesn’t know
Helps you find new ways to grow!
With holidays here, how kind am I?
I lack tact! I can’t deny!
To learn new habits does take time.
Mistakes are made on my timeline!
Thank You Father, I will learn.
Change is something that is earned!
Everyday progress can be made
Plans for Kindness can be laid.
21:5.7 The elevation of a sevenfold bestowal Son to the unquestioned sovereignty of his universe means the beginning of the end of agelong uncertainty and relative confusion. Subsequent to this event, that which cannot be sometime spiritualized will eventually be disorganized; that which cannot be sometime co-ordinated with cosmic reality will eventually be destroyed. When the provisions of endless mercy and nameless patience have been exhausted in an effort to win the loyalty and devotion of the will creatures of the realms, justice and righteousness will prevail. That which mercy cannot rehabilitate justice will eventually annihilate.
Today we see blue skies above.
Sunlight comes. Our world revolves.
This is the day that we’ve been given.
Another day on our road to Heaven.
To try to do a better job.
Makes you special in the mob.
Doing this helps you evolve.
More complex things are then involved.
Something happens to your life.
No longer do you go through strife.
As you evolve in your direction,
There’s more time for your reflection.
Spend this time in a wise manner.
Find a cause. Become it’s banner!
This world needs peace and love not war.
The God of love lives at your core!
For that reason, I do trust.
There’s reasons why we have been thrust
Into fires that seem robust.
Our inner lives, we must discuss.
Compromise must be!
That’s throughout our history.
Right and left must be centered.
To give-and-take has been our standard!
Thank You Father I do trust.
Your will is what we must discuss!
Within, without, Your will be done.
Patience with our leaders comes.
John had a cool and daring courage which few of the other apostles possessed. He was the one apostle who followed right along with Jesus the night of his arrest and dared to accompany his Master into the very jaws of death. He was present and near at hand right up to the last earthly hour and was found faithfully carrying out his trust with regard to Jesus’ mother and ready to receive such additional instructions as might be given during the last moments of the Master’s mortal existence. One thing is certain, John was thoroughly dependable. John usually sat on Jesus’ right hand when the twelve were at meat. He was the first of the twelve really and fully to believe in the resurrection, and he was the first to recognize the Master when he came to them on the seashore after his resurrection.
Time it Takes
The grays of Winter rule today.
Wispy whites and blacks displayed
Intermixed to finest grays.
Good spirits brighten up these days!
Open hearts and open minds
Promote a world that is Divine!
The Kennedys were too good for us.
Were they the last ones we could trust?
To lead us in the Divine way
All we can do is vote and pray?
Can’t we see who’s good among us?
They must lead us, or we’ll plummet.
To promote the status quo.
We must increase our Spirit flow!
Or we will lose the goals we seek.
Everyone on earth’s unique!
If everybody tried to help –
Contribute to the common wealth,
Wars would be no more, no more
And God, not self, we would adore!
That appears a long way off.
But time will pay whatever the cost.
And then this world will rock ‘n’ roll.
Peace will reign and fill our souls.
One can live this peace right now.
Devote yourself to pull God’s plow.
Look inside to see what you
Are being called to truly do.
Find a way to reflect that.
And try to make that role your act.
Visualize what could be best
It’s realization is your quest!
Thank You Father, much to do.
My inner life I share with You.
Help me be much more like You
And learn from You when You give clues.
Here is something you might find interesting!
This week we discuss the Kingdom of Heaven and how Jesus explained it. This is an overview of the large topic of the spiritual kingdom set up by God on our planet. You will be amazed at the breadth of this subject!
Amazing, brother! Just amazing what God has wrought in you!!