34:7.8 Having started out on the way of lifeeverlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.”
Today’s a giving day for me.
A way of life that helps me be
A better person eventually.
Today I give my blood for free.
If I’m of no other use,
My blood can help to life infuse
And help another human being.
They’re not wasting what I’m giving.
I’ve made a date with the Red Cross.
An easy way to give – no cost.
We all should make a habit of this.
Keep this on our to do list.
Habits of a positive nature
Help prepare us for our future.
We can learn how to adapt
And then improve on how we act.
Everyday’s a chance to learn.
Take your time, try to discern
How to be a positive force
And spread some love while on your course.
You will get all that you need
As it’s the will of God you seek.
God knows what the best way is.
Courage means there must be risk.
Thank You, Father, for your bounty.
Never can we be without Ye.
Love pervades this universe.
I wish to let it soak this verse.
81:1.3 Climatic evolution is now about to accomplish what all other efforts had failed to do, that is, to compel Eurasian man to abandon hunting for the more advanced callings of herding and farming. Evolution may be slow, but it is terribly effective
Midwest Farming
The freeze may come yet to this Spring.
The nip of Winter it can bring.
It’s predicted after dark.
Plants can’t move their tender sprouts.
Underground the soil is safe.
The air above has a freezing taste.
It will kill what it can freeze
Especially buds upon the trees.
A real freeze might kill some trees
If all their buds froze instantly.
If in fact the tree survived,
It will be years before it thrives.
We’ve managed to measure, and define
Zones where certain plants can thrive.
They all have different growing seasons.
Some might thrive for different reasons.
Corn thrives in the Midwest heart
The money crop in farmer’s carts.
Corn, beans and not much else
Dot our fields with farmer’s wealth.
So what we plant within our fields
Is what eventually gives yield
To a crop of which we have
Far too much, do the math.
Thank You, Father, there must be ways
To vary the crops that we have raised.
A better use of Midwest soils?
Eventually we’ll reap the spoils!
Social Networking For The World Wide Spiritual Fellowship Of All Mankind
132:2.5.2 An experience is good when it heightens the appreciation of beauty, augments the moral will, enhances the discernment of truth, enlarges the capacity to love and serve one’s fellows, exalts the spiritual ideals, and unifies the supreme human motives of time with the eternal plans of the indwelling Adjuster, all of which lead directly to an increased desire to do the Father’s will, thereby fostering the divine passion to find God and to be more like him.
Is TV Real?
A cold start as this day begins.
Have we read books by Charles Dickens?
He writes tales that are the best
About the worst that humans get.
He shows how we live in life
Even with all types of strife.
His book endings are delicious.
The world he paints is not capricious.
Reality flows from his pen.
There were no tele-shows back then.
Shows then were word of mouth.
Or written down, and then espoused.
Now we take no time to read.
We’ve raised our children up with weeds.
Weeds distract from what we’re doing.
In reading books, are we improving?
Take some time to be with kids.
Their TV time is up for bids.
Interest them in what is is real.
TV shows are not the deal!
Don’t depend upon TV
To teach your children reality.
You have got to be involved!
The schools can’t teach what you must solve.
Thank You Father/Mother/More.
What e’er You are, You’re at our core.
I have faith Your love will work.
It will endure passed all our books.
151:6.5 Jesus, looking down upon the man crouching like an animal at his feet, reached down and, taking him by the hand, stood him up and said to him: “Amos, you are not possessed of a devil; you have already heard the good news that you are a son of God. I command you to come out of this spell.” And when Amos heard Jesus speak these words, there occurred such a transformation in his intellect that he was immediately restored to his right mind and the normal control of his emotions. By this time a considerable crowd had assembled from the near-by village, and these people, augmented by the swine herders from the highland above them, were astonished to see the lunatic sitting with Jesus and his followers, in possession of his right mind and freely conversing with them.
Stormy Weather
Two more days of warmer weather.
Then Spring returns with cooler flavors.
That’s the weather that’s predicted.
Further South’s where it gets wicked.
The South has seen so many storms.
Have tornadoes there become the norm?
Destructive winds may force a change.
The building codes may change their range.
I think we need to think wind proof
Less resistance to uproot.
With lines of power underground
Their resilience is most sound.
Perhaps we need to join them there?
With structures that are wind aware?
Less protrusions to its force.
Adaption truly helps our course.
Storms are more, reporting’s vast.
We compare storms from our past.
But what we see’s a single drop
About how World change does erupt.
Do you have a faith in Man?
We arose from, yes, God‘s hand.
He has faith in the Human Race.
He feels we’ll learn His love and grace.
Thank You, Father, fear runs deep.
But You enlighten when we weep.
We all want and yearn for Love.
When we find You, our problem’s solved.
109:0.1 4&5 Human existence constitutes a period of practice which is effectively utilized by the Adjuster in preparing for the increased responsibilities and the greater opportunities of a future life. But the Adjuster’s efforts, while living within you, are not so much concerned with the affairs of temporal life and planetary existence. Today, the Thought Adjusters are, as it were, rehearsing the realities of the universe career in the evolving minds of human beings.
Film Making
Dark before the sun arises.
A longer day means more surprises.
We will find, and walk a path
And learn from errors of the past.
Advancement’s done by increments.
Time may change our sentiments.
Slowly deep inside we change.
We see further down the range.
As this occurs, we do advance.
On the stage of life, we learn to dance.
Many different types of steps.
We learn in life to have respect
Respect for things we can’t control.
Storms will always take a toll
This world spins on, its path is set.
Respect for things not learned as yet.
We are pixels in a picture.
God is on brand new adventures.
Moving pictures here and there
To make a pixel more aware.
We’re making movies of our lives.
The Spirit force within does thrive.
As we do, we do decide.
I do believe I’ll never die!
Thank You, Father, for Your book.
On it’s pages I am hooked.
It’s changed the pathways of my thinking
Improved the pictures I’ve been taking.
126:5.9 As he grew up to manhood, he passed through all those conflicts and confusions which the average young persons of previous and subsequent ages have undergone. And the rigorous experience of supporting his family was a sure safeguard against his having overmuch time for idle meditation or the indulgence of mystic tendencies.
Young and Dumb?
Spring continues—gathers strength.
Beauty sings, and warmth it brings.
As day begins, the birds are busy.
Some sing songs that make you misty.
Songs can trigger memories.
There’s magic in those hideaways.
The memory of being young
Is your defense of being so dumb?
Wisdom’s gained by life experience.
It changes how you gain convenience.
Take control of your direction.
Make a change in your reactions
Ride the crest of Spirit waves.
Do the right thing every day.
Do it better as you live.
Practice is a way to give.
Look to see where you are going.
In general, we all are growing.
Some are only growing old
While others grow a story told.
Grow your story in a way
That shows you better ways to play.
Growing up in what we do
Leads us all to what is true.
Thank You, Father, You have reached
A part of me that yearns to preach
The “Good News” You’re there everyday.
Within us all, You mold our clay.
5:2.5.2 As the soul of joint mind and Adjuster creation becomes increasingly existent, there also evolves a new phase of soul consciousness which is capable of experiencing the presence, and of recognizing the spirit leadings and other supermaterial activities, of the Mystery Monitor
Greener Grass
The grass has turned another shade.
It’s greener now than yesterday.
It’s getting longer, growing fast.
Soon, it’s cutting will be our task
Why do we grow grass to cut?
Yards look the same, no weeds erupt.
Some flowers may grow at the edges.
A path may cut through border hedges.
In any case, our grass keeps growing.
It gets so long, we see it blowing.
If it’s not cut, it goes to seed.
And then new sowing does its deed.
Seeds, under right conditions
Sprout and grow, that is their mission.
In the past, we all were seeds.
Now we’re growing through some weeds.
What are the weeds that live among us?
TV shows that shift our compass?
Where we do intend to go
Truly matters in life’s show.
Listen to the Guy inside.
He’s with you when you do decide.
Standby what you think is right.
Be guided by what’s called insight.
Thank You, Father, for this path.
I like to watch the growing grass.
I love the Spring, and all it brings.
Today, in Choir, I’m going to sing.
117:4.1 As we view the ceaseless struggles of the creature creation for perfection of status and divinity of being, we cannot but believe that these unending efforts bespeak the unceasing struggle of the Supreme for divine self-realization. God the Supreme is the finite Deity, and he must cope with the problems of the finite in the total sense of that word. Our struggles with the vicissitudes of time in the evolutions of space are reflections of his efforts to achieve reality of self and completion of sovereignty within the sphere of action which his evolving nature is expanding to the outermost limits of possibility.
“Good Reflections are Good Vibes”
A cloudy day that may hit 50.
I’m on my way to see what’s nifty.
Everyone I meet today
Is a part of God, their way.
With that in mind, I’ll look for it
Within the folks with whom I sit.
All the folks we see in life
Are reflections of Your light.
If we are good in any way
We reflect it in our day.
And I believe there’s good in all.
Some can’t walk yet, but they crawl.
In the long run, we’ll get there.
And everybody’ll be aware
Of the fact that God subsists
Upon us all where He exists.
Let Him be a partner in
The struggle we all have within.
He’ll show you pathways to your goals
And in this process, build your soul.
He values all the things you do.
And in this life, He’s there with you.
He knows you from the inside out.
He backs the things you do that count.
I’m glad You’re with me through my day.
You’ve helped me in so many ways.
If I look to find the truth,
I see the seeds at times their roots.
124:1.10 Even during the warmest summer months a cool sea breeze usually blew from the west from 10:00 AM until about 10:00 PM. But every now and then terrific hot winds from the eastern desert would blow across all Palestine. These hot blasts usually came in February and March, near the end of the rainy season. In those days the rain fell in refreshing showers from November to April, but it did not rain steadily. There were only two seasons in Palestine, summer and winter, the dry and rainy seasons. In January the flowers began to bloom, and by the end of April the whole land was one vast flower garden.
Daffodils are going to bloom
In my backyard, so very soon.
Their stems are swollen at their tops
And when they burst, their blooms erupt.
Yellows, whites, some show both.
They smell like beauty as they grow.
When they bloom, Spring’s truly here.
Blooms in Winter don’t appear!
Today we’re truly on the cusp.
Soon the blooms will be robust.
Today’s moisture will be soaked
Into their stems, which then will bloat.
One could watch them as they bloom.
A patient camera placed on Zoom.
Watching as this garden grows.
A patient viewer then would know.
We’re the garden God has planted.
As we learn this, we are granted
Wisdom’s insight—shows what’s real.
Look inside! What do you feel?
You need to give at least one try!
Explore yourself as life goes by.
What do you hold true and dear?
What are your goals? What do you fear?
Thank You, Father, for direction.
Towards perfection’s my selection!
To do what’s right is my election.
The Will of God spreads like infection!
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