[VIDEO] Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: crime against humanity and genocide Page 1 of 4

Debriefing with Me Swinwood, Canadian lawyer: crime against humanity and genocide


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A Debriefing offered in partnership with BonSens .

We welcome Dr Gerard Maudrux, former president of the  Doctors'  pension fund and the liberal professions sickness fund.

He reconsiders his vision of the pandemic and discusses the problems encountered by doctors in prescribing treatments against Covid. Some of these doctors are afraid.

He also tells us about the “experimental” vaccine for him to date, with little perspective on side effects. He does not understand this rush.

Find his debriefing, offered in partnership with BonSens .


A translation of the complaint is provided below for information. It was done electronically (Important: computer translation)




Defendants Proceedings under the Class Actions Act, 1992

A POPE FRANÇOIS on behalf of the Holy See and of the Vatican State Apostolic Nunciature 724 Manor Avenue, Ottawa (Ontario) K1M 0E3 Tel: (613) 746-4914 Telefax: (613) 746-4786

AT THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, Maison du Sacré-Cœur 43 Queen's Park Cres E Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C3 Tel: (416) 962-4500 Fx: (416) 962-4501

TO HM QUEEN ELIZABETH II, on behalf of THE ORDER OF THE JARREILLE, HOUSE OF WINDSOR (FORMER COBOURG GOTHA SAX), J. Greg Peters Usher of the Black Rod Center Block, Parliament Hill, Room 168-N Ottawa ( Ontario) K1A 0A4 Tel: (613) 992-8483

TO THE WORLD VACCINE ALLIANCE (GAVI), 2099 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 200

Washington DC 20006 Tel: (202) 478-1050 Fx: (202) 478-1060

TO THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION UN Pan American Health Organization Department of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief 525 Twenty-Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20037, USA Tel: (202) 974 -3399 Fax: (202) 775-4578


AL 6501H Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9


TO PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2 Telefax: (613) 941-6900

TO DR. THERESA TAM, in the care of THE PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF CANADA Chief Public Health Officer Tel: (613)954-8524 Email:   phac.cpho-acsp.aspc@canada.ca

TO PRIME MINISTER DOUG FORD, Office of the Premier Queen's Park Legislative Building

Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1

A CHRISTINE ELLIOTT, Ministry of Health 5th Floor 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J3 Tel: (416) 327-4300 Fx: (416) 326-1571

TO MAYOR JIM WATSON, 110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1 Tel: (613) 580-2496 Fx: (613) 580-2509

TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA Department of Justice Canada Ontario Regional Office 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite # 400 Toronto, Ontario M5H 1T1 Fx: (416) 954-8982 Tel: (416) 973-0942

TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ONTARIO Crown Law Office, Constitutional Law Branch 720 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2S9 Tel: (416) 326-4460 Fx: (416) 326-4401



1.  L s plaintiffs allege:

a) An order certifying this proceeding as a class action and appointing the Plaintiffs as Plaintiffs' Representatives for Class Members, as defined below;

b) A statement that actions taken by the Parliament of Canada in accordance with instructions from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to declare a pandemic on the basis of advice from the World Health Organization are ultra vires their power and authority.

c) A statement that the Covid-19 protocols require immediate review prior to fully transparent recording of science and historical data;

d) An immediate and urgent date be set by the Court to allow a hearing on the review of protocols and regulations and immunization plans by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal government as well as PHAC and WHO;

e) Declarations against the federal, provincial and municipal governments, on an interim basis, to suspend COVID-19 measures until the need for such measures is demonstrated by science and medical opinion.


The Plaintiff, Stacy Amikwabi, claims on her own behalf and on behalf of all members of her Class of Plaintiffs against the Defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act , RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


The Plaintiff, Shawn Brennan, claims on his own behalf and on behalf of all members of his Class of Plaintiffs against the Defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act, RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


The Plaintiff, George Fayad, claims on his own behalf and on behalf of all members of his Class of Plaintiffs against the Defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act, RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


The Plaintiff, Joshua Alas-Wilson, claims on his own behalf and on behalf of all members of his Plaintiff class against the Defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act , RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


The Plaintiff, Alisa Tojcic, claims on her own behalf and on behalf of all members of her Class of Plaintiffs against the Defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act , RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


Plaintiff, Jane Doe, claims on her own behalf and on behalf of all members of her Plaintiff

class against defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts Act , RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


The Plaintiff, John Doe, claims on his own behalf and on behalf of all members of his Plaintiff

class against defendants:

a) General damages for pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life;

(b) Special damages, the amount of which remains to be determined;

(c) Damages for loss of income and / or other economic loss for specified amounts;

(d) Punitive damages;

e) Interest before and after judgment in accordance with the courts

oi , RSO 1990, c. C43 as amended;

(f) the costs of such action on a substantial indemnity basis plus HST; and

(g) Any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just.


RTIES Applicants:

.The Plaintiff, Stacy Amikwabi is an Anishinabe Amikwa Algonquin Sovereign who resides on a reserve known as the Henvy Inlet First Nation, but who is actually French River Indian Reserve No. 13 (Rowan Proclamation 1852). Stacy Amikwabi and his wife make a living operating a small convenience store on the reserve that has been economically devastated by the lockdown and other protocols introduced on the reserve by the federal government by its chief and band council. Stacy Amikwabi and her family will be faced with the mandatory vaccines, they have all been informed that restrictions will be placed on those who do not take the vaccine. Lack of clinical education, diagnosis and medical advice. Stacey Amikwabi and her family cannot give informed consent to an "experimental gene therapy", namely mRNA inoculation, which is said to have been developed and administered in response to cases of COVID-19 elsewhere. In the absence of appropriate medical and scientific information, Stacy Amikwabi and her family are uncertain whether reported COVID-19 cases meet the criteria for declaration of a pandemic. Due to obvious censorship and suppression of opinion, which does not accept global propaganda of a pandemic, Stacy Amikwabi cannot provide informed consent for "experimental gene therapy". Stacy Amikwabi presents herself as representative of all indigenous peoples aggrieved by the

10 The plaintiff, Shawn Brennan, is an entrepreneur living in Peterborough, Ontario. Shawn Brennan & Business have been almost devastated by the impact of protocols and regulations that are not supported by proper scientific and medical research. Shawn Brennan's family unit has been under incredible stress due to the fear engendered by inflation and manipulation of death statistics, in this country and around the world. Shawn Brennan represents small business owners whose families have been harmed by these protocols and regulations.

11 The plaintiff, George Fayad, is a small garage mechanic who resides in Ottawa, Ontario. George Fayad's business has been negatively affected by lockdowns, protocols and regulations. George Fayad is a representative of all small business owners in Ottawa who have been wronged by the protocols and regulations.

12 The plaintiff, Joshua Alas-Wilson, is a young adult living in Balderson, Ontario. Joshua Alas-Wilson, has Williams syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by cognitive delay, developmental delay, anxiety and intermittent depression. As someone who has difficulty forming lasting bonds with his peers due to the characteristics of his syndrome, he manages to attend weekly social gatherings, socialize the community and volunteer at a home nurse. Due to the restrictions put in place due to covid-19, he can no longer attend his weekly gatherings, walk freely in the community, socialize and volunteer at the home nurse. This created extreme feelings of isolation.

manifested by extreme anxiety, periodic heart palpitations and depression. Joshua Alas- Wilson was yelled at, made to feel uncomfortable and questioned due to his inability to wear a mask. His doctor argued the inability to wear a mask severely limited any social contact, prompting him to seek out social interactions through the internet where he was subsequently bullied, harassed and injured. Joshua Alas-Wilson is the representative of all people with "special needs" harmed by covid-19 protocols and regulations.

13 .The Plaintiff, Alisa Tojcic, is a single mother of three young children living in downtown Toronto on social assistance. Ms Tojcic and her children stayed at home for 57 days during the first lockdown. They live in an apartment without a balcony and all of the building's patios and playground were closed around them. His ex-wife delivered groceries to keep the children safe. The children were terrified and Ms. Tojcic had panic attacks because as a family they had health problems and she was afraid that they would not receive much needed care. The Applicant also had dislocated ribs and could not see her chiropractor or pick her up for the youngest child who was still breastfeeding.

In addition, the family relies on public transport and was completely stranded during the first lockdown. In August and September, the plaintiff and her middle child were in good health and the complications and stress of the "pandemic" only exacerbate them. Ms Tojcic saved all of her money and bought a van so she and her children weren't stuck in the core city center for the next lockdown. Alisa Tojcic is the representative of all single parents and children who have been harmed by covid-19 protocols and regulations.

14 The plaintiff, Jane Doe, is a mother who has given birth since the implementation of the Covid-19 protocols and regulations. Her experience in the delivery room where she found herself alone without the child after birth. She is forced to completely separate herself from the birth experience without informed consent due to the imposition of Covid-19 protocols and regulations. Jeanne Doe represents all new moms since March 12, 2020 and their children, who have been harmed by Covid-19 protocols and regulations.

15 .The Applicant, John Doe, is a construction worker in the Ottawa area. The Ministry of Labor is starting to issue fines for violating Covid-19 safety protocols for not observing distance or wearing face coverings. A redacted $ 880.00 bill was distributed around the industry to highlight the threat. Employees are faced with the fear of receiving a substantial ticket on the need for workplace safety. In some cases, the income received for the day is less than or equal to the amount of the ticket, which leaves the feeling of having no choice. Just as the warning says, “getting complacent can be costly”.


The Defendants:

The Pope of Rome

16 The respondent, Pope Francis, is the Roman Pontiff, Chief Pastor of the Global Catholic Church and Head of the Holy See. Pope Francis resides and governs the affairs of the Vatican City State. Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected 266th Pope in March 2013.

He is a Jesuit, member of the Society of Jesus. On October 3, 2020, the Pope published the imageEncyclical Letter “ Fratelli Tutti ” (All Brothers) in which he recommended all nations to give their sovereignty to a world government and a new world order. 1 The Pope himself uses the concession of King John of 1213 and knows well the manipulations of the Society of Jesus throughout history since its creation in 1534 and in particular during the First World War, the Spanish flu and the Second World War.

The Holy See

17 The Holy See maintains diplomatic relations with other sovereign states and with embassies accredited to the Holy See, to enable the Pope to exercise universal authority on a world scale. The Holy See establishes intercivile diplomacy by signing treaties and concordat which governs relations between the papacy and other entities. These sets of inter-civilization documents are signed by the pontiff. The diplomatic representatives of the Holy See are the ambassadors of the imagePope called “nuncio”. 2

Vatican State

18 The defendant, the Vatican State, came into being on February 11, 1929 by the Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and Italy. The seat of the Holy See (Sancta Sedes) is the Vatican City State. It is a state which belongs to the Holy See, and is the seat of the episcopal jurisdiction and of the central government of the Catholic Church.  3 Vatican City is worth untold billions and is home to many documents that should be shared with humanity. This state has known the misdeeds and manipulation of the Society of Jesus from its creation in 1534 to the present day.

The Society of Jesus

19 The Company of Jesus was established on the day of Mary's Ascension (August 15) in 1534, in the Notre-Dame de Montmartre chapel. The terms chosen by Pope Paul III to describe this news in his bubble of authorization, which were: " Regimen Ecclesiac Militants " (The Regime of imageecclesiastical military ). From the secret history of the Jesuits, Edmond Paris observed: 4

… In Europe, wherever the interest of Rome compelled the people to rise up against their king, or if these temporal princes had taken decisions embarrassing for the church ”, the Curia knew that it would not find more skillful, cunning or daring outside the Society of Jesus when it came to intrigue, propaganda, or even open rebellion .

And further in the same book:

The same is true today, the 33,000 official members of the Society operate all over the world as personnel, officers of a truly secret army containing in its ranks heads of political parties, high officials, generals, magistrate, doctor , faculty professor, etc. all strive to realize, in their own space, “Opus Dei, the Work of God”, in reality the plans of the Director General and the papacy.

Queen elizabeth ii

20 Pursuant to section 9 of the British North America Act , 1867, “the executive government and authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and to be vested in the imageQueen. 5 All  Royal Documents established and relating to the existence and governance of the Dominion of Canada since, have not repealed the ABB of 1867 and Her Majesty the Queen renounced being the Royal Sovereign of Canada. Further, under section 15 of the British North America Act, 1867, in which "the Command-in-Chief of the Land and Naval Militia and all naval and military forces in Canada and Canada are hereby declared to continue and to be vested in the Queen", HM Queen Elizabeth II is also the head of the federal task force on Covid-19. Prime Minister Trudeau has appointed a senior military officer to head the task force for Covid-19, which reports to the Commander-in-Chief, who is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II under Article 15.

21 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is of the House of Windsor, modified during WWI, from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to hide the German origin of the ruling royal line in response to anti-German public sentiment during WWI . Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Royal Order of the Garter and its secretary in Canada is the Usher of the Black Rod, wielding the powers of the symbol and motto "Honi be whoever evil thinks" - shame on him who think badly.

Order of the Garter

22 The Order of the Garter was founded by Edward II, King of England in 1348 to protect himself with an elite group of landowners against the common people. 6 T he symbol of the Order includes the motto “ Honi be anyone who thinks badly about it” - shame on the one who thinks badly. The same symbol and the same motto can be found across Canada on government buildings and courthouses. The Order of the Garter is carrying out the elitist global plans of royalty and oligarchic corporations against an elitist global agenda, fully known only to a small group imageof at the expense of human beings on Mother Earth. 7 Lhe known world agenda of the Vatican and the Queen, supported by companies such as GAVI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among others, and operating the global health directions issued by the WHO, has put people in Canada at risk, even in the whole world.

Windsor House

23 The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when the name was adopted as the Official Name of the Royal Family by a proclamation from King George II replacing the historic name Saxe-Coburg- imageGotha which designates the German ancestor of the family . 8 B y the home of The Royal Family of Windsor has family ties to most of the monarchs in Europe. The Royal family has untold wealth, while people are starving to death every day.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI)

24 In 2000, Bill Gates stepped down as CEO of Microsoft and created the " image Gates Foundation 9 and (along with other parties) launched the "Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization" GAVI ".  10 As of  July 29, 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged US $ 4.1 billion.  11 The Canada is a long-time member of GAVI and has been a member of its board since its inception. The parties to the GAVI alliance are: UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), The World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. GAVI has developed the Covid-19 Global Vaccine Access Facility (Covax Facility aka Gavi Covax AMC) to respond to these “Unprecedented challenges” created by the WHO's decision to declare a “pandemic”. Gavi Covax AMC will sponsor manufacturers who wish to " invest in vaccine candidates prior to their licensing ." 12

To date, Canada has provided $ 1 billion in funding directly to GAVI.

On December 14, 2020, Karina Gould (Minister of International Development of Canada) announced that Canada will provide an additional 255 million Canadian dollars (200 million US dollars) Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), another global partnership formed between public, private, philanthropic and civil society organizations to consolidate global and multinational elite hold over public health.  13

Operating as a public-private partnership for global health, the ultimate goal of these “partnerships” is to promote the global agendas of the participating companies, by lobbying governments and international organizations to implement policies in their favor. This is done at the expense of the citizens of the participating countries, and therefore also of Canadians.

In this regime, funds are diverted from national budgets to finance projects of companies under the aegis of GAVI et al. , but only for the benefit of these companies.

These GAVI projects are then spread around the world through a special partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to increase its influence and sources of profit. World Health Organization (WHO) and Public Health Agency of Canada

25 The WHO Constitution came into force on April 7, 1948, and its primary role was to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system.  14 In  January 2010, Bill Gates pledged $ 10 billion in funding for the WHO and announced “The Decade of Vaccines”. Gates and GAVI are the second and third largest donors to the WHO after the US. Government, which recently withdrew its funding through President Trump. In accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) each member state of the World Health Organization (WHO) must designate a national focal point (NFP). The NFP is available at all times for communications with WHO regarding global public health risks.

The IHR NPP for Canada is located at the Public Health Agency of Canada (AAP). This agency follows the guidelines of the WHO and not the Government of Canada.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

26 US legal restrictions prohibit the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (“Foundation”) from explicitly engaging in normative lobbying. Therefore, the Foundation serves its intended beneficiaries as advocacy; first as a catalyst for resource mobilization, and second as an illuminator of scientific innovation.  15 Chis idea of ​​resource mobilization and scientific innovation involves the promotion of vaccines not yet fully developed and the testing of new vaccines on populations, in particular children and young adults in Africa, issued under UN mandates or of its organizations such as WHO or UNICEF. The Foundation “Was only the second largest donor to WHO with $ 531 million. This was more than the UK Contribution of $ 392 million, and second only to the United States at $ 873 million ”.  16

27 In an article in the Pastors Chronicles, the following headline appears: "UN vaccines sterilize 500,000 women in Kenya". The article continued as follows:   17  e billionaire Bill Gates really like to help people in poor countries to be vaccinated. But many say his motives may not be so pure. In fact, many believe that this globalist, along with the United Nations, is leading a massive depopulation effort 

As the Kenya African News Agency reported:   18  Odinga said girls and women aged 14-49 are the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children , due to a sterilization exercise that was sold nationwide as a tetanus vaccine.

And in the first article above:  At the time, the Catholic Church of Kenya claimed that the tetanus toxoid vaccine used by the Government of Kenya and UN agencies was contaminated with a hormone (HCG) that can cause miscarriages and making some women infertile.

As the 1949 United Nations Convention on Genocide has sterilization as one of the definitions of genocide, based on the above, it is clear that UN agencies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports the acts of genocide through its vaccination programs.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

28 The defendant, Justin Trudeau, is the current Prime Minister of Canada. During his last appearance at the United Nations, he spoke of the "big reset" agenda pushed on humanity by the oligarch elite, pharmaceutical companies, big tech and the World Economic Forum. The Prime Minister of Canada is not acting on solid medical and scientific evidence to guide Canadians and aboriginal people through this crisis. The Prime Minister echoes a nefarious program which is now being seen in plain sight.

Justin Trudeau holds public office acting outside his legislative authority. By appointing a senior officer to head the COVID-19 task force, the Prime Minister invokes

Queen Elizabeth II, as she is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army under section 15 (1) of the BNAA.

The Prime Minister and his cabinet have invited the WHO and large corporations, which are by definition guilty of genocide, to Kenya to Canada. Pfizer paid $ 2.3 billion on September 2, 2009 to the US Department of Justice for the world's largest healthcare fraud settlement

in the history of the Department of Justice.  19

Dr Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada

29 The defendant, Dr. Theresa Tam, is the Chief Public Health Office of Canada and, as such, a public office holder. Dr Tam is one of seven members of the Independent Oversight and the WHO Health Emergencies Program Advisory Committee. Recently, survey reporter Sheila Gunn Reid (December 14, 2020), discussing her requests for information regarding Dr Tam's relationship with the WHO, observed: 20

ow, I wanted to know everything about the relations of Tam and his agency with WHO. What other decisions, including ones we may not know, have been infected by the WHO and its failed Chinese eccentric mission?

This official works for an agency that committed genocide in Kenya.


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So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.