A drowning dog's desperate wish comes true
Animal Aid Unlimited, India
Published on Oct 12, 2017
We got a call to rescue a dog fighting for her life after falling in a deep well. She may have been...
Addiction - Compulsion - Anxiety - Disorder
The spiritually blind individual who logically follows scientific dictation, social usage, and religious dogma stands in grave danger of sacrificing his moral freedom and losing his spiritual...
Edward Snowden Exclusive | The Deep State & Revolution
acTVism Munich
Published on Jul 14, 2017
Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/acTVism Support our Vision by becoming a regular donor:...
The Collapse Has Begun! Shocking Video Of The Economic Collapse 2018 Stock Market CRASH!
Shocking video about the coming Economic Collapse and the next Great Depression.
After a little bit of a lull, the global economic crisis is back with...
911 All things Hidden will be Revealed. Tyranny in the highest Office of the Nation
Little did we know at the time, 9/11 was not a normal day of blue sky aviation. On the contrary, it was one of the busiest days in the...
Antarctic Ice Melt
The YEARS Project
Published on Jun 18, 2018
Antarctica is melting three times faster than it was just ten years ago, shedding 200 billions tons of ice into the oceans every year.
[i] The New...
What really exists - Jim Carrey
theJourneyofPurpose TJOP
Published on Oct 23, 2017
In reality under the surface, you are all the actor marvellously skilled in playing many parts and in getting lost in the mazes of your...