Rosa Koire Explains Agenda 21 and The Great Reset
Computing Forever
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Understanding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
A Voice In The Desert
114K subscribers
You can read about the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the book of Revelation, chapter 6. Like much of what you read in Bible prophecy,...
Shame on those parents that allowed profiteering sociopaths and psychopaths to subject your children to this medical fraud and tyranny for profits.
Children of the Great Reset
Seniors ARRESTED while filling medical prescription at Manitoba grocery store
Rebel News
1.42M subscribers
►Have you received a COVID-related ticket? Don't pay it, FIGHT it: Sheila Gunn Reid...
How Great Is Our God-How Great Thou Art - Carla Ellington
660 subscribers
Psalmist CARLA ELLINGTON & The New Jerusalem Worship Team. On backing vocals, Dawn Morgan, Philip Gayle, Simon...
Medical Censorship & Harms of Lockdowns - An exclusive interview with 3 Frontline doctors.
WholeHearted Media
682 subscribers
Freedom of expression is enshrined in our Constitution, and is imperative in a free and democratic society,...
Earth's climate is 'cyclical' as new study claims an ice age is coming
Sky News Australia
1.3M subscribers
Geologist and earth scientist Professor Ian Plimer says the “climate is cyclical” as a new study claims Earth is heading to an ice...
The Great Reset is a ‘coup’ by the globalist elite
Sky News Australia
1.3M subscribers
Journalist James Delingpole says the Great Reset is simply a “coup” by the globalist elite, and it is happening all over the world.
“It’s happening...
Edward Snowden 2021 Will It Be MANDATORY?| It Is HAPPENING NOW!!
Forever Inspired
32.4K subscribers
Edward Snowden 2021 Will It Be MANDATORY?| It Is HAPPENING NOW!!