Medical Censorship & Harms of Lockdowns - An exclusive interview with 3 Frontline doctors.

Medical Censorship & Harms of Lockdowns - An exclusive interview with 3 Frontline doctors.


WholeHearted Media
682 subscribers

Freedom of expression is enshrined in our Constitution, and is imperative in a free and democratic society, as it underpins other human rights, such as the freedoms of thought, conscience, association and assembly. Free expression is vital to robust and open debate in order to formulate sound and reasoned public policy.  
This video reveals the disturbing, and dangerous, trend of how peaceful voices of frontline physicians who dissent, and disagree, with state policy regarding COVID directives, are being silenced. Dr. Gill, Dr. Phillips and Dr. Lamba have all come under attack for their expression that public health directives and mandates are grossly flawed and misguided, and for calling attention to the incredible harms of the governments’ forced lockdowns.
Their desire to speak about the research they know, and the harms they witness, is driven by their conscience. Their only purpose in doing so is to live up to their oath "to do no harm". They have no other motive. They stand to gain no profit, and in fact, to lose everything.
Settle in and listen with an open mind and heart.

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So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.