A Time for Caution: The Second Coming, The Shroud of Turin, and Project Bluebeam
We are in perilous times: there are those who wish to control humanity, they are entrenched throughout our world’s systems, and they have technology available for their purposes that is beyond what most of us know.
The Urantia revelation claims that in these days the greatest threat we will face is holding to our faith. Remember, for any individual the only thing that really matters is dying with their faith in God the Father and knowing they have progressively grown in showing the fruits of the Spirit throughout their lives.
Jesus said he would return; he did not say when. There is no basis to the idea that he will return at the end of an age or at the end of the world, and since only spiritual eyes can see him and all eyes will see him, I suggest our world has a way to go before again being visited by our Creator. To promote Jesus coming now is setting up and reinforcing the idea of Project Bluebeam—a false second coming.
The Shroud of Turin may also be part of an effort to deceive the people. Regardless, it contradicts what we know of Jesus’ life and teachings and his desire and reasons for not leaving anything behind. As for it supposedly being authenticated by science, all I can say is that we are dealing with advanced technology and how the shroud originated is beyond our ability to know.
Keep your faith, and stay vigilant.
Godspeed, America.
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