The Urantia Planetary Midway Creatures
There are exactly 1,111 invisible human cousins living on this world just outside the range of human vision. They have been here on earth for 37,000 years.
They are midway between us and the Angelic realms. Unlike the Angels. They are residents of our world and very similar to an advanced human soul.
After spending 37,000 years on this world as human cousins and human teachers of truth, you can be sure they are into just about everything having to do with the spiritual uplifting of our world.
I knew of the midwayers before I discovered the 5th epochal revelation that had been made available to the public on October 12th of 1955. Because of the fact that of all human knowledge that which is of highest value is knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus combined with the fact that they were the narrators of this knowledge to the human family you can be sure that they are attempting to draw nearer to their human cousins to sponsor their ongoing contributions to the spiritual regeneration of living faith and real spiritual insight.
Our secondary planetary midwayers also accompany the members of the reserve corps of destiny and have recently had to recruit from the corps of finaliters serving on this world because of the sudden expansion of the human teachers of truth present on our world in a single generation as a result of the 5th epochal revelations of God to man. The reserve corps of destiny now consists 1,725 living men and women who have been admitted to the special service of the superhuman administration of world affairs. 2022 P8K JKL-8 Kelly
You can learn more about these wonderful beings here.
Gumisiriza Julius liked this
Thank you brother Paul, for such an interesting story of revelation about the mid wayers
This reminds me of the dalamatian teachings for 37,000 years ago,