My Father
You were before I was born You will always be...More
My Father
You were before I was born You will always be You are behind me, in me and always in front You encircle reality, create it, yes you are the cosmic singularity itself You are everywhere where no one is and you are in eternity where everyone comes You hear each single voice, even the dumb and the deaf You listen to the voice of the personality, the one who follows your will You see everything, even the darkest shadow of darkness, while the light illuminates everyone there is in you You know the unknown, even your own destiny You know what everyone is looking for, even those who do not seek you You understand the incomprehensible, even those who do not understand themselves You are who you are by virtue of being the first source You remain a mystery even for the wisest and the genius You exist as the non-existent without an existence You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow You are past, present and all future You are the will, the strength and the power of our souls, even of the soulless You are the ultimate personality in whom we all reflect, even those who are pure spirit You give us all our highest wish unsaid, life free of charge, even if it is the most precious we own You enrich our consciousness with truth, beauty and goodness, despite the fact that we destroy most things around us You help the helpless, even those who think they do not need help You uplift the sick minds, even those who in their own stupidity have caused the disease You guide and teach everyone who are lost in life's great confused labyrinth, even those with compasses and maps You support everyone with honesty, even the liars You give love in equal amount to everyone no matter who and what they do
You are much more of all this than what my creativity can articulate
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