Comments on Wall post by Gumpi Andrew Cohen

Gumpi Andrew Cohen

Hello everyone; I hope this finds you well. I wanted to update you on the progress of our school project. We recently had a school management committee meeting to discuss the fate of the project, as our rent contract is expiring in July 2024. We resolved to renew our rent contract until 2025, but we need to raise approximately $500 to do so, unfortunately we are not in a proper financial position.

Additionally, we plan to establish temporary structures on our land to secure our establishment and settlement.
We also invite all our students who have reached the secondary school level to explore the business community and gain valuable life skills and career guidance. Learners were grouped into 10 groups of 5 according to their interests of business: others were taken to a bakery company, cosmetics shop, whole sale shop, banana selling business, chapati business among, garments selling business among others.
I am thrilled to inform you that with the help of sister Monica; we have successfully established a bricks making project earning about $90 per quarter and food farming projects at the school.

These projects have not only generated income but also provided food for the orphanage, supporting our school project.
We recently established a 10,000euculyptus trees forest aimed at establishing a sustainable source of income to the school, FER Ascenders Fellowship Community Kaliro Uganda and Orphanage in the near future.
Thanks to you and sister Monica for these initiatives, we are now able to:
- Generate income to support the school's operations
- Provide food for the children and staff
- Pay workers' wages
We are grateful for your support and encouragement, which has helped us achieve this milestone.
Your contributions have made a significant impact on the lives of our children, and we are forever grateful.
I request you to give a hand with the little you can afford to. We are in a desperate spot!
We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.
Peace and blessings,