Comments on Earth: How Things Ought to Be by Soren K Vestergaard

  • Magara Benjamin
    By Magara Benjamin

    I have red only the part about the Geopolitical Chessboard: Navigating
    Earth's Complex Dynamics but I will keep reading each subtitle day by day until I finish the whole book.

    Title: Working Together in a Complex World.

    You were talking about the complicated state of global politics and international relations. It says that new powers are rising, and old relationships are changing.


    1. Global Politics:
    Under this you explained well how countries and powers are connected and how this affects the world. Take an example of Uganda and USA, we see the connection between the two parties has enabled us reach our goal of making the revelation get closer to the yearning souls. If the connection in between was not all that good, our goal of enhancing the kingdom wouldn't have been successful implemented but with the aid of connections, many are saying glory be to God.

    2. Rise of emerging contenders:
    If we take Russia as an emerging contender, we clearly see what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Russia as an emerging contender, she has imposed all her powers onto Ukraine with aim of gaining control over it as it may enable Russians get to the peak. This has facilitated a variety of challenges globally such as the rise in prices of commodities majorly wheat since we all know that Ukraine is the major wheat producing country and fuel. This is eventually leading to low standards of living thus a new era of uncertainties and transformations.

    3. Enhanced collaboration and unity:
    This is the major pillar for global uplift and coordination. As we take an example of me and you brother, if there was no collaboration between us our goal of enhancing the kingdom wouldn't be as far as it has gone but with the aid of enhanced collaboration between us everything is running smoothly.

    Thank you brother for the encouragement about working together to make the world a better place like how you presented it in a clear and simple way. The world is in a critical moment. New powers are rising, and old relationships are changing. We need to work together and talk to each other to build a better future. We can't just think about our own country's interests; we need to think about the good of everyone. If we work together and respect each other, we can create a more peaceful and fair world for all people.

    With love and gratitude
    Niwamanya Benjamin magara
    CMC Kampala coordinator