Comments on Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign

Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign

Twinomuhangi Denisrex Education Campaign

I have written this letter to you all to kindly request for your help and support on paying my school fees and being able to get the scholastic materials that will enable me start school in the next months on 5th Feb

79% funded
316 CAD received
3 backers
310 days left
  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    imageMONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign as of 2024-05-16 was paid out on 2024-05-16 by a  Pay Out of  $116.00 CAD. Transfer TR73963 and TR73945  were made to Denis brother Johnprosper to wallet to Denis To date 2024-05-16 Pay-Outs totaling $116.00 CAD on this Campaign  plus another anonymous donation sent directly of 84.00 CAD have been made. Please thank your donors. This Campaign is still open to recieve donations.