Comments on Status update by Tumwijukye simon

Tumwijukye simon

70:3.4&5 The peace of Urantia will be promoted far more by international trade organizations than by all the sentimental sophistry of visionary peace planning. Trade relations have been facilitated by development of language and by improved methods of communication as well as by better transportation.
The absence of a common language has always impeded the growth of peace groups, but money has become the universal language of modern trade. Modern society is largely held together by the industrial market. The gain motive is a mighty civilizer when augmented by the desire to serve.

Peace for Now
There’s beauty here with autumn days.
Leaves are turning, colors blaze.
Pumpkins trim our autumn scenes.
Our autumn bounty shows our dreams

Halloween’s around the corner.
Witches brewing with much ardor.
They’ll be handing candy out.
Our children gasp with glee, then shout.

A happy time be had by all.
Children heed the candy call.
Costumes rule the social scene.
And we enact what’er we dream.

Acting out our dreams for real.
We do our best, the children squeal.
We want what’s best for every soul.
Peace on earth is just one goal.

Peace, and also what is best.
Peace, but filled with Holiness.
Love and Faith and Truth and Goodness
To find perfection, use Forgiveness.

These are goals within themselves.
A search for each, our fears dispelled.
As we walk along that road,
Peace within is our abode.

Thank You, Father, Peace exists.
On Peace within we must subsist.
Someday our world will know with pride,
The Peace for now that’s just inside.