Comments on Answer to question What did Jesus promise his children on this this world concerning the social and economic features of the fraternity of the family of God

    Gumisiriza Julius
    By Gumisiriza Julius

    According to the Urantia book, Jesus promised his children a world where social and economic features would be filled with justice, equality, and brotherhood. He emphasized the importance of loving one another, treating others with kindness and compassion, and working towards the betterment of society as a whole. This vision encompasses a world where wealth is shared, resources are utilized for the common good, and everyone has an equal opportunity to flourish and contribute to the community. Jesus believed in a future where poverty, exploitation, and inequality would be replaced by a fair and just social order.

    According to the Urantia Book, Jesus promised his children on this world several things regarding social and economic features. Here are a few quotations that may provide some insight:

    1. "In this kingdom of heaven the believers are to find spiritual liberty through the personal experience of knowing the truth and by the freedom of living the brotherhood of man."

    2. "Jesus promised his followers freedom from the bondage of fear and worry through their trust in the loving providence of a heavenly Father."

    3. "The Master sought to deliver men from the bondage of tradition, conventionality, ceremonialism, and mere materiality."

    4. "Jesus taught that, by faith, the believer could enter the kingdom now. He did not teach that, on this earth, mortal man must exhibit moral perfection in order to gain entrance."

    5. "Jesus promised spiritual joy, the joy of living service—service to one's fellow men on earth and in the higher fellowship of a progressive and spiritualized universe."

    Quote from UB.

    The religions of the world have a double responsibility for the progress of society: First, the duty of social ministry, the obligation to relieve suffering and to uplift; second, the task of spiritualizing human values and of preparing souls for the better life on earth and for the eventual attainment of paradise status.(The Urantia Book, 99:2.4)

    This quotation emphasizes the responsibility of religions, including the teachings of Jesus, to contribute both to the improvement of society through social ministry and to the spiritual development of individuals. It reflects the belief that religions should work towards creating a better life on Earth and the eventual attainment of a higher spiritual status.


    • Paul Kemp Administrator
      By Paul Kemp Administrator

      Brother Julius, your answer reflects a high attunement of your soul to the spiritual powers within you. I foresee one of the great teachers of the 5th Epochal Revelation.

    • Paul Kemp Administrator
      By Paul Kemp Administrator

      Brother Julius, your answer reflects a high attunement of your soul to the spiritual powers within you. I foresee one of the great teachers of the 5th Epochal Revelation.