Comments on Status update by Tumwijukye simon

Tumwijukye simon

38:1.2 These angelic orders are projected at the time of planning for the evolution of mortal will creatures. The creation of seraphim dates from the attainment of relative personality by the Universe Mother Spirit, not as the later co-ordinate of the Master Son, but as the early creative helper of the Creator Son. Previous to this event the seraphim on duty in Nebadon were temporarily loaned by a neighboring universe.

An early start, the sun shines bright.
Approach this day with all your might!
Do the next best thing you can.
Show the world and make your stand.

There’s good out there that you can do.
Find your path, walk towards the Truth.
Be a bulwark, hold the fort.
The facts will be in your report.

The facts will leave their tracks in time.
The Truth stands out, it is Divine.
God wills action, it occurs.
The plan of God is what endures.

Faith in future progress made.
As life is lived, is there a grade?
Sincerity of what’s perceived.
Live the Faith that you believe!

The Truth does ring, and have a light.
It may glow dimly, but it’s right.
What you perceive, you can’t dismiss.
The truth displays attractiveness!

Easier as you do what’s right.
The light within, it gets much more bright.
When you look you’ve gained insight.
In this life avoid all fights.

Thank You, Father, to find Your way
is the goal of every day.
The plan You have is set in motion.
I’ll follow through with my devotion!