Comments on Emmanuel and his family Food campaign and school fees

Emmanuel and his family Food campaign and school fees

Emmanuel and his family Food campaign and school fees

By Nuwagaba Emmanuel
Money Pot

I'm called Nuwagaba Emmanuel from Western Uganda I lost my parents in covid-19 death results we need your help to get back to school and buying food for my family

4% funded
78 CAD received
2 backers
310 days left
  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    imageMONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign was paid out on 2023-11-08 by a Pay Out of  $28.00 CAD. A Transfer for TR65841  was made to Emmanuel Nuwagaba. To date 2023-11-26 Pay-Outs totaling $28.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the $5.00 CAD transfer fees for this donation. Please thank your donors. This Campaign is still open to recieve donations. 

  • Paul Kemp Administrator
    By Paul Kemp Administrator

    imageMONEYPOT PAY-OUTS: The remaining balance on this Campaign was paid out on 2024-06-11 by a Pay Out of  $50.00 CAD. A Transfer for TR74483  was sent to Owen Atwebembire to wallet to made to Emmanuel Nuwagaba. To date 2024-06-10 Pay-Outs totaling $78.00 CAD have been made on this Campaign. SFN paid the $11.00 CAD transfer fees for this donation. Please thank your donors. This Campaign is still open to recieve donations.