Comments on Status update by Tumwijukye simon

Tumwijukye simon

100:4.2 Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. The organization of a philosophic standard of living entails considerable commotion in the philosophic realms of the mind. Loyalties are not exercised in behalf of the great, the good, the true, and the noble without a struggle. Effort is attendant upon clarification of spiritual vision and enhancement of cosmic insight. And the human intellect protests against being weaned from subsisting upon the nonspiritual energies of temporal existence. The slothful animal mind rebels at the effort required to wrestle with cosmic problem solving.

Advance to Your Calling
The promise of the day begins.
Anticipation helps us win.
Expect what is the very best.
Remove your fear, do nothing less.

Attitude puts you on course.
A positive mind helps to enforce
Decisions that help you to grow.
Fear’s your chance, let courage show!

Don’t waver in the face of fear.
Let wisdom guide, and have a good cheer.
Do what you know to be right!
Enhance this world with all your might!

I can see someday there will
Be a world that love instilled.
We will do what’s good for all.
The rule of God will be installed!

I can see it’s not tomorrow.
We’re fear instilled, there’s too much sorrow.
Time will heal, but still we’ll make
More mistakes, that’s what it takes!

That is truly how we learn.
Past empires were much more stern!
Living here becomes more just
As to the now, we do adjust!

Father, thank You, for insight.
Our history truly sheds some light
Upon the path we can expect.
We will improve, but by small steps.