Results for "wikileaks"


    • i Witness NEWS

      The Death of Truth Pg2

      ...the U.S. government.  WikiLeaks collaborators or supporters a...d. McCarthy, an Icelander and WikiLeaks activist, was detained and ex...instructions on how to spy on WikiLeaks. On Aug. 24, 2011, six FBI...mation about Assange and WikiLeaks from the company Dynadot, a d...

      • i Witness NEWS

        The Death of Truth Pg3

        ...eats. He has not seen his children since his legal troubles started. The emotional cost is as heavy as the physical one. Assange said he sees WikiLeaks’ primary role as giving...

        • i Witness NEWS

          The Death of Truth Pg4

          ...r-level “secret” designation of the documents released by WikiLeaks. But as the traditional press...anning, to break down walls and inform the public. The cables that WikiLeaks released, as disturbing as th...