Results for "the principles of concentration of wealth and power"


    • Tumwijukye simon

      Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Hear Within (God consciousness)

      Simon Tumijukey Revelation Poetry In Motion | Hear Within (God consciousness) Tumwijukye simon&nbs...hear it. If you don’t do nothin’ else, Look inside for Spirit wealt...

      • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

        Truth lies within Your hearts

        Truth lies within Your hearts In a world filled with complexities and authentic connection with themselves and the world. The blog emphasizes the power of introspection and encourag...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          Revelation Poetry in Motion | Direction

          Revelation Poetry in Motion | Direction 76:5.6 The supermaterial government of...rival of Machiventa Melchizedek, in the times of  Abraham, who, with the power, patience, and authority of a...