Results for "opening session of Senate"


    • Mother Earth


      The huge elephants of this and subsequent periods possessed large brains as well as large bod...d only by man himself. Even so, of the fifty species of elephants in existence at the openin...

      • Marissa Bodden

        Covid School Shutdown

        Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

        • Marissa Bodden

          Covid School Shutdown

          Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

          • Marissa Bodden

            Covid School Shutdown

            Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

            • Marissa Bodden

              Covid School Shutdown

              Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

              • Marissa Bodden

                Covid School Shutdown

                Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

                • Marissa Bodden

                  Covid School Shutdown

                  Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

                  • Marissa Bodden

                    Covid School Shutdown

                    Since there is no school in session due to Covid 19, we have to keep our kids busy!! In the developed countries, you have television, laptop and IPad, but in Uganda it...

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      FER WORKSHOP 30th August, 2020

                      FER WORKSHOP 30th August, 2020   •The workshop was scheduled for thr...o the center. •31st August, 2020. Official opening of the workshop. •The...y from the family members. •Therefore this sessio...

                      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                        FER WORKSHOP 30th August, 2020

                        FER WORKSHOP 30th August, 2020   •The workshop was scheduled for thr...o the center. •31st August, 2020. Official opening of the workshop. •The...y from the family members. •Therefore this sessio...