Results for "bananas"


    • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

      Africa Food Forest Agriculture today

      Africa Food Forest Agriculture today      Agriculture today  In Uganda there are different varieties of banana that can be planted together with other crops such as cassava ,, here is a specie called. African sweet banana ssp , ( kabalagala) it can do...

      Tags: Edson Nuwaha (Patrick), Food Forest, Bananas

      • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

        Food Forest Certification Program - Profiles in Self-reliance - Nuwaha Edson (Patrick)

        Food Forest Certification Program - Profiles in Self-reliance - Nuwaha Edson (Patrick) Hello mama Lindianne, Today l tried to go deep and see how we can use the readily available crops to help us in various ways. Today l  came with cassava, this is a root crop which ca...

        Tags: Food Forest Certification Program, Profiles in Self-reliance, Nuwaha Edson (Patrick), cassava, bananas