Results for "Venezuela regime change war"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      167:2.4 The next day all of the apostles engaged in the philosophic exercise of and all. We choose to move and climb, not fall. As we climb perspectives change. A higher viewpoint comes in...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        55:3.21&22 The great handicap confronting Urantia in the matter of attaining the high planetary destiny of light and life is embraced in the problems of disease, de...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          34:6.11 The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to rea...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            100:6.4 The self has surrendered to the intr...d recognition of human limitations is changed to the natural consciousness...m. To know what’s coming— a recent change. The way the world lives— pr...s awareness grows and spreads, Plans change often as were led. That’s...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              71:4.17 Idealism can never survive on an evolving planet i...s been the norm? Can 2 degrees since 1880 Cause changes that do seem so weighty? Fa...ching. It always helps to be prepared. Life won’t change, it’s never fair! So where...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                47:3.1 On the mansion worlds the resurrected...n world, you will notice considerable change, but if you had come from a m...orld of nativity. Saving Time The change in time, the Daylight time goes by Until the fall when change applies. And we go through t...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  97:7.5 This Isaiah conducted a far-flung propaganda of the...“God would not forget, would not forsake.” Weather Change Spring continues unabated. Th...risk. Potential risk’s for everyone. The need for change can make us glum. No need to...

                  • Kisa Esau

                    Shalom everyone, I'm here with good news today and it made me happy ,so I thought may...d share with you, you know whenever we share such testimonies their people who change , I won't stop thanking peopl...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      118:10.1 Providence does not mean that God has decided all things for us and in advan...e, go with life’s bends. The bends in life are where you learn. Directions change when our hearts churn. Lea...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        148:5.5.1 “But, Nathaniel, there is much in the sure That current weather will endure. Sudden change, a storm blows up. Mother Na...lieve in anything? How does our belief effect And change the way in which we act? B...