Results for "The Love Of The Father"

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    • Ainamani John

      ...orn. This day must bring me a new idea a better way. A person that will love me for me. My God kindly help me to get donors to support my education really father l am yearning of you why can'...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Faith "…faith will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved." Jesus 99:6.2

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          ...erstandings of truth, beauty, and goodness, morality, ethics, duty, love, divinity, origin, existence,...even Deity, are only relatively true. God is much, much more than a Father, but the Father is man’s highest concept of G...

          • Soren K Vestergaard

            ...Urantia Sharing Resumes Its Divine Mission! Beloved Friend in Christ, After is delighted to announce our return to the Father's work. And now, we humbly...count: With boundless love and profound gratitude, Soren"

            • Tumwijukye simon

              101:7.2 A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experim...timeliness of what’s depicted Holds our interests, we’re addicted. Father, thank You, tech is great....

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Faith "…faith will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved." Jesus, 159:3.12

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding t...p when out. Take your time and stay about The Father’s Business on your route....hings work out when this you do. Thank You, Father, for the day. I’ll do my b...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    5:1.6 If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will, then, since he is so...with God, colors all the grays. Thank You, Father, I am on board. The TB&...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Abide Forever "Every earth child who follows the leading of this spirit shall eventually know the will of God, and he who surrenders to the will of my Father shall abide forever." Jesus, 146:3.7

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        44:7.3 Cosmic concepts of true philosophy, the portrayal of celestial artistry, or t...e winds of time also have chimes. Listen to your life’s design. Thank You, Father, as time goes on My faith in...