Results for "THOMAS PAINE"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      ABOUT FEEDING THE FIVE THOUSAND The Urantia Book; Paper 152, Section 2 P1700:2, 152:2.1 Jesus continued to te...and Judas Iscariot. Those opposing the plan were Andrew, James, Nathaniel, and Thoma...

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

        URANTIA QUESTION AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS The Freshman Test of Knowledge of The [Urantia] Papers Please provide all f...mes Zebedee. 42. John Zebedee. 43. Philip. 44. Nathaniel. 45. Mathew Levi. 46. Thoma...

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          *Difference* *between* *a* *good* *perfomer* *and* *an* *outstanding* *performer* . Ezra and Thomas joined a company together a f...of Senior Sales Manager, but Thomas remained in his entry level J...ed working anyway. One day Thomas felt that he could not work w...o you in fifteen minutes." Thoma...