Results for "Puerto Rico"

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    • i Witness NEWS

      Disconnected by Disaster—Photos From a Battered Puerto Rico

      ...ed by Disaster—Photos From a Battered Puerto Rico ALAN TAYLOR  12:57 PM E...days after Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, its devastating impact is be...ffer Gonzalez, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, told the Associated Pre...




      • Agustin

        Feria internacional del Libro en Guadalajara

        La Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, en México, mejor conocida como...narios de Jalisco, el estado cuya capital es Guadalajara. Su centro histórico está salpicado de plaz...


        • i Witness NEWS

          Puerto Rico, following the passage of Hurricane Maria.

          A man rides his bicycle through a storm-damaged road in Toa Alta, west of San Juan, Puerto Rico, on September 24, 2017, following the passage of Hurricane Maria.

          Tags: Puerto Rico, following the passage of Hurricane Maria.