Results for "Paul Kemp"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      5:4.8 The Greek religion had a watchword “Know yourself”; the Hebrews centered their teaching on “Know your God”;...s us solve Problems that are so complex. Without Your love, my life’s wreck. Paul...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        101:7.2 A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experimental living as both are modif...e. If all agreed there’s but one God And then know we all need evolve. Paul...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran counter to the long-standing att...Your way. On my route while I’m at play, Kindness will be on display! Paul...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            5:1.6 If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s...ur door. As we decide, our fate becomes. Eventually Your Will becomes. Paul...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              44:7.3 Cosmic concepts of true philosophy, the portrayal of celestial artistry, or the mortal attempt to depict th...I’m your son. Just a pebble on the beach A grain of sand, but in Your reach. Paul...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                0:1.17 Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, construct A vision of where, Love on earth Truly shows in all our works. Paul...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  These tertiary seconaphim are the timesavers, space abridgers, error detectors, faithful teachers, and everlasting...notes. Try to vote for leadership And pray, Your Will, guides all our ships. Paul...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    110:3.10 4. Joyful acceptance of cosmic citizenship – honest recognition of your progressive obligations to the Su...e of success. We advance by our own choice. With You, within, we do rejoice. Paul...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      140:1.3 “The power of this kingdom shall consist, not in the strength of armies nor in the might of riches, but ra...lly. Many, many, things will change. As time goes on, Your Peace will reign. Paul...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        To the earnest leader of the Mithraic cult he said: “You do well to seek for a religion of eternal salvation, but...ains. But life within me has a light. And that light shows me what is right. Paul...