Results for "Leave the baby alone with dad for 5 minutes"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32 Jesus/Michael: Creator Sons

      God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 32    Jesus/ superuniverse: So, each with the Spirit - #1 = of the Fath...the Creator-Father, together with our Divine Mother, of course, distribute to; to give to. With this in mind, know that our F.... Each Creator Son is endowed with th...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 35 Adam and Eve: True History

        ...annot be separated physically without suffering a bit.  ...ople cannot seem to harmonize with a loving Father God, who gave...e Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the bio...had not failed, they would be with us today as King and Queen of...who were given the choice to leave l...