Results for "Gestalt"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      History of the 5th Epochal Revelation

      ...viduals which later on became known as the “Forum.” He says: “On my way to the University of Kansas to deliver some lectures on Gestalt psychology, I wrote a letter...

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      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Answer on How can I communicate with angels? in the group Youth Group

        ...its significance.  Joamme answered my gratitude with the words “I am Saint Anthony”. It wasn’t the words she said but the gestalt of emotions as well as spirit...


        • Agustin

          Virtual Congress of Grupo Orvonton

          This is the 33rd congress orgabnizaed by Grupo orvonton and the first via zoom room and Urantia TV

          Tags: Gestalt, Urantia, Terapia, Espiritualidad