Results for "Federal Reserve"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Biggest Robbery Ever Enacted on The American People and the World

      Biggest Robbery Ever Enacted on The American People   Biggest Robbery Ever Enacted on The American People   LoveCoffee Hour Subscribe Published on Mar 22, 2016 Please view and share this concise explanation of how the financial elite gained control of Am...

      Tags: Federal Reserve, Rockefeller, Morgan, Jekyll Island

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Trump Takes Control of the FED - Leads the way for other countries to follow - Michael Tellinger

        Trump Takes Control of the FED - Leads the way for other countries to follow - Michael Tellinger Michael Tellinger 8.57K subscribers President Donald Trump breaks a 250-year long stranglehold of the Royal Political Elite and their central banks. Since the 1760s and the rise of the R...

        Tags: Federal Reserve, US Treasury, Takeover, Michael Tellinger, Rothschilds