
    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      STUDY GROUP - Noah [Flood Myths and Reality]

      STUDY GROUP - Noah [Flood Myths and Reality]   870 views Jun 1, 202...bring an end to its “wickedness.” Another interesting parallel is Adam’s preservation of the p...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta

        STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta 1,657 views Jul 5, 2023 ST...rior pure-line descendants of Adamson and Ratta around 10,000 BC...en of Eden. Subsequent to the default, he elected to stand by hi...was not a happy situation for Adamson, and he eventually decided...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta

          STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta 1,657 views Jul 5, 2023 ST...rior pure-line descendants of Adamson and Ratta around 10,000 BC...en of Eden. Subsequent to the default, he elected to stand by hi...was not a happy situation for Adamson, and he eventually decided...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta

            STUDY GROUP - Adamson and Ratta 1,657 views Jul 5, 2023 ST...rior pure-line descendants of Adamson and Ratta around 10,000 BC...en of Eden. Subsequent to the default, he elected to stand by hi...was not a happy situation for Adamson, and he eventually decided...