Results for "Babirey Patrica"

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    • Amule Isaac RCM

      RCM Education Sponsorship Program

      ...sp;   Please consider sponsoring me for just ($60*3) per semester. God bless you as you come to help me. My names are Babirey Patrica. l am 12 years old. I lost my...


      • Amule Isaac RCM

        Babirey Patrica

        My names are Babirey Patrica. l am 12 years old. I lost my mama and dad and l am now being taken care of at the ministry .I am looking for a sponsor who will love me and replace t...


        • Amule Isaac RCM

          Babirey Patrica

          My names are Babirey Patrica. l am 12 years old. I lost my mama and dad and l am now being taken care of at the ministry .I am looking for a sponsor who will love me and replace the love I am missing from my late mother, and provide to me every thing I need to educate me.  Thanks and may the...

          Tags: RCM Education Sponsorship, Babirey Patrica