Results for "An elephant paints a self-portrait with his trunk"


    • Mother Earth

      An elephant paints a self-portrait with his trunk

      In intelligence and adaptation the elephant is approached only by the horse a...mself. 61:3.6 The huge elepha...ld was dominated by a huge animal with a ages, no animal the size of an elephant could have survived unles...Even so, of the fifty species of eleph...

      • Mother Earth

        Watch The Heartwarming Moment An Elephant Falls Asleep to Caretaker's Lullaby

        Watch The Heartwarming Moment An Elephant Falls Asleep to Caretaker's this beautiful lullaby for a big elephant with a benevo...giant falls asleep. The 7-year-old elephant, named, Faa Mai, is part...His ears flap to the music and his trunk curls in. Finally he shuts hi...

        • i Witness NEWS

          The Assange Story RTD Documentary

          The Assange Story WikiLeaks founder’s journey from whistleblowing hero to exile...arvaez recalls the time he spent inside the embassy with the WikiLeaks founder and sta...filmmaker, Johannes Wahlstrom, talks about working with...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            The Elephants that came to dinner | Mfuwe Lodge, Zambia

            The Elephants that came to dinner | Mfuwe Lodge, Zambia  ...ountain TV 89.9K subscribers The Elepha...xperts and delighting tourists. An elephant fami...uwe Lodge and grace past reception without bumping a chair. Why the p...out. What he discovers may reveal eleph...