Results for "Pathways Ahead"


  • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
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    • 41 members

    Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

    The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
    • open group
    • 2 members


    To work from the heart, in hopes our good deeds will glorify our Father in heaven, becoming the loving light he wants us to be.
  • TEPOT The Evolutionary Process Of Thought
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    • 5 members

    TEPOT The Evolutionary Process Of Thought

    " In the mind’s eye conjure up a picture of one of your primitive ancestors of cave-dwelling times — a short, misshapen filthy, snarling hulk of a man standing, legs spread, club upraised, breathing hate and animosity as he looks fiercely just ahead. Such a picture hardly depicts the divine dignity of man. But allow us to enlarge the picture. In front of this animated human crouches a saber-toothed tiger. Behind him, a woman and two children. Immediately you recognize that such a picture stands for the beginnings of much that is fine and noble in humans, but the man is the same in both pictures
  • Nsaba Orphanage
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    • 3 members

    Nsaba Orphanage

    Nsaba Bashir - Nsaba Orphanage Butiki Uganda - THE MISSION OF THE ORGANISATION To provide high quality, specialized guidance, counseling and proper handling of orphans in Jinja District, Uganda. To provide daily respite care for families with Orphans. To provide training, education and support to families, careers and communities in the care of children and young adults with special needs.
    • open group
    • 6 members


    Tonny Mutekyereze - This is a registered community Based Organisation (CBO) helping ORPHANS AND WIDOWS and their families. They are teaching people how to get ahead in life. They are raising up future leaders and transforming a community.
  • Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry
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    • 3 members

    Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry

    Katerega Sadam - Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry
  • Youth Urantia Scholars
    • open group
    • 30 members

    Youth Urantia Scholars

    Youth Urantia Scholars | Chairman Kato Pare |