Results for "4TH Industrial Revolution"


  • Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation
    • open group
    • 41 members

    Students Of the 5th Epochal Revelation

    The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh.
  • DavidCampus -  Spiritual Family Network
    • open group
    • 16 members

    DavidCampus - Spiritual Family Network

    DavidCampus - Named after the dependable David Zebedee - Brother of the Apostles James and John - DavidCampus provides the same types of services for the 5th Epochal Revelations of God as David Zebedee provided for the 4th Epochal Revelation of God. A messenger Corps for the spread of Epochal Revelations throughout the World Wide Family of God.
  • Urantia Revelation Artwork for Internet Outreach
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    • 2 members

    Urantia Revelation Artwork for Internet Outreach

    Every new Epochal Revelation creates a Spiritual Renaissance of Culture, Art, Music, Prose, Spiritual Insight, Philosophical Understanding, Intellectual Understanding, Scientific, Social and Religious Growth to propagate itself throughout the world by forming a new universe frame of thinking of ever increasing spiritual liberty, divine enthusiasm, expression and purpose. New levels of Values - Meanings and Things. Truth - Beauty and Goodness
  • Vaccine Awareness
    • open group
    • 3 members

    Vaccine Awareness

    Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation. Like some type of creeping mentally-acidic fluid, the CV phenomenon is slowly eroding every semblance of coherent cognition, leading politicos—governmental, entrepreneurial, and ecclesiastical—to equally outrageous and preposterous courses of action, which, taken individually and in isolation, seemingly border on the most despicable varieties of insidious autocratic and despotic imperatives.
  • I AM Eden International
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    • 20 members

    I AM Eden International

    Eden International is a preparation team for the plans of THE MOST HIGHS
  • Million Member Discipleship
    • open group
    • 23 members

    Million Member Discipleship

    Support for the work of Epochal Revelations and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus in this day and generation