Results for "Destiny Projects"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Christ Michael Center Uganda Banet Presenting Teachings about the washing of the feet

      Christ Michael Center Uganda Meetings 2024 03 29 14 14 GMT 3 Banet  Pres...d educational events. 3. To engage in charitable activities and humanitarian projects inspired by the book’s...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


        SOME MORONTIA APPEARANCES POST-RESURRECTION  Presentation by Monica Kemp...d educational events. 3. To engage in charitable activities and humanitarian projects inspired by the book’s...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Research on renowned readers of The Urantia Book

          Renowned Readers of The Urantia Book I’m Michael MacIsaac and I created this website to inform Ur...Jerry Garcia fans can discover the vivid afterlife descriptions of our cosmic destiny...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Our Universe Journey

            Our Universe Journey WATCH ON YOUTUBE A vision of mortal destiny: Stan Hartman reviews the journey from our planet of origin (Urantia), through the universe to Paradise at the c...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Our Universe Journey

              Our Universe Journey   A vision of mortal destiny: Stan Hartman reviews the journey from our planet of origin (Urantia), through the universe to Paradise at the center...