Results for "The Book About Life"


    • Dr. Roger W. Paul

      The Urantia Book, Paper 48, Part 6, 3-12-2024.

      The Urantia Book, Paper 48, Part 6, 3-12-2024.

      • Dr. Roger W. Paul

        The Urantia Book Paper 111, Part 3, 3-14-2024.

        The Urantia Book Paper 111, Part 3, 3-14-2024.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Christ Michael Center Uganda Meetings 2024 03 15 14 14 GMT 3

          Christ Michael Center Uganda Meetings 2024 03 15 14 14 GMT 3 PATO...It’s possible for you to live a life of love where you love yourse...and ethical insights from the Urantia Book....f sharing the teachings of the Urantia Book (UB) with a wider audience fo...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            The Urantia Book - For Jesus - Starry Night.

            The Urantia Book - For Jesus - Starry Night.   An adaptation of Don Mclean...le at Amazon: Find out more: https://truthbook...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The Urantia Book - For Jesus - Starry Night

              The Urantia Book - For Jesus - Starry Night.   An adaptation of Don Mclean...zon: Find out more: https://truthbook...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                The Urantia Book - Our Cosmic Neighborhood

                The Urantia Book - Our Cosmic Neighborhood A movie that takes us o...revealed details, worlds and the other life that is, celestially speaking...o engineering: Derek Samaras - Urantia Book...etwork    / urantiabooknetwork   https://ur...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Ubuntu Now! by Pato Banton

                  ...ntu and how it can be applied in practical life situations, will allow become enthusiastic activists to bring about more peace and global progre...tice.Us  ...

                  • Dr. Roger W. Paul

                    The Urantia Book Paper 111, Part 4, 3-21-2024.

                    The Urantia Book Paper 111, Part 4, 3-21-2024.

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity?

                      Two Total Solar Eclipses - Is there a message for humanity? Two Total Solar occurring in 2017 and the other in 2024 on the most important dates in the life of Jesus, his birth and death...

                      • El Pollo

                        A Message For Christian Leaders in the Urantia Movement

                        A Message For Christian Leaders in the Urantia Movement be Teacher of The Urantia Book I feel that it is necessary t...uide future Christian Urantia Book Leaders in how to become True.... It is said that The Urantia Book has been released to mankind 1...minded, dedicated and sincere abou...