Results for "Born Again Ministry Church of God"


    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

      Serving Little Angels

      Serving Little Angels   It's a great thing to do with these little angels in case God gives you a precious heart that never stops loving, caring and being kind to them. At Samaritan foundation orphanage, at times things are like this.    

      • Marissa Bodden

        Support these projects at The Butiiki Children's Ministry!!!

        Words and requests from the Director of The Butiiki Children's Ministry, Robert Walugosi. We are requesting help to build a good latrine and a good kitchen. Please help in any way you can! 

        • i Witness NEWS

          A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

           A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto...sions conducted in various parts of the globe.* Profile of the artist: Isao HASHIMOTO Born i...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Civilizational Collapse? Interregnum or New Renaissance

            Civilizational Collapse? Interregnum or New Renaissance Our theme...LD IS DYING …and THE NEW CANNOT BE BORN; in this interregnum between w...k patches of evil which you see are shown against...e patches of good which show up miserably agains...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Touching Strangers by Photographer Richard Renaldi

              Touching Strangers by Photographer Richard Renaldi There is no such thing as a stranger to those who actually know God all are their brethren in a single world family. 

              • i Witness NEWS


                PUTIN & TRUMP COULD SAVE THE WORLD SGTreport Published on Nov 16, 2017 Do yo...history. If he and President Trump both stood together against...Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born t...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  The Christian Church is the Cocoon from which will emerge the New Revelation of the Life & the Teachings of Jesus

                  The Christian Church is the cocoon from which will emerge the New Revelation of the Life & the Teachings of Jesus The Christian church is the cocoon in which Jesus' concept of the kingdom now slumbers. The Urantia Book: Empowering people who serve the Master.

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    World Unity in Government

                    Political Sovereignty and True Representative Government   Political Sovere...or their own benefit and for the benefit of all men.    Citizens are not born f...

                    • Carlos Leite da Silva

                      Revelation 14:6-7

                      Revelation 14:6-7 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the EVERLASTING GOSPEL to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to eve...

                      • Carlos Leite da Silva

                        THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - The Revelation for the Third Millennium (The Urantia Book)

                        THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - The Revelation for the Third Millennium (The Urantia Book)...2. The Edenic teachings.  Adam and Eve again portrayed the concept of the Fat...ves in recognition of, and response to, the loving minist...