Results for "Stages of Representatives Government"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Crouching Tiger Episode 1: Will There Be War With China? Seek Truth From Facts Deng Xiaoping

      ...icient form of representative government, and these are:  ...dom of speech. Representative government is unthinkable without freedo...t of petition. Representative government assumes the right of citizens.... Only by such provisions can government of the people, by the people,...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The Invisible Brotherhood - The Meaning of Life

        The Invisible Brotherhood - The Meaning of Life COURSES B...t best, only a meager idea of an ideal planetary government. Since the early times of the...d with the other isolated worlds, your planetary governments have not been so inferior; o...

        • i Witness NEWS

          An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup

          An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin &am...ult of financial attacks by the US government on the primary source of Tele...o begin on July 1. But with the US government blocking wire transfers that...ezuela’s state media and pro-government media were shut-down by the U...

          • Vaccine Awareness

            Vaccination: The Hidden Truth

            Vaccination: The Hidden Truth Vaccination: The Hidden Tru...39;s own peer-reviewed research. With so much government and medical promotion of vacc...rue, why is vaccination pushed so heavily by the government authorities? In the video,...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Student Vs. Teacher (2019)

              Student Vs. Teacher (2019) Parent Teacher Conference GETS REAL in 2019. The battle o...d. Find out how this one ends. Video done in collaboration with the Sharjah Government Media Bureau of UAE.  ...

              • i Witness NEWS

                The New Silk Road, Part 1: From China to Pakistan | DW Documentary

                The New Silk Road, Part 1: From China to Pakistan | DW Documentary The New S...untry whilst leaving the locals themselves without electricity? The Myanmar government pulled the emergency brake an...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump is a Distraction

                  Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump is a Distraction While Donald Trump works to distract the public, his administration is working to dismantle every aspect of government that benefits the people. See Also Crimes of US Presidents

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    9/11 was an inside job': Full speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at UN

                    ...t people believe the American government was behind the 9/11 attacks.​...ll as with the people and the government of Pakistan. I urge everyone...atorial and coup d’etat governments in Latin America committed u...some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to re...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      WDF Students Workshops UNIVERSITY OUTREACH PROGRAM 2019

                      WDF Students Workshops UNIVERSITY OUTREACH PROGRAM 2019   Wilmat Developme...trainings in schools and institutions of higher learning, in line with the Government of Uganda vision 2040. ...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        New Study: 300 Million Face Severe Risk of Climate-Fueled Coastal Flooding by 2050

                        New Study: 300 Million Face Severe Risk of Climate-Fueled Coastal Flooding by 2050 I...eir third week in the country with protesters calling for the Piñera government to resign. The U.N. said it i...