Results for "Question for Chat GPT: how did Jesus describe or what did he declare was a true religion?"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Balance of Power

      The Balance of Power In 2002, the United States unilaterally and without consultati...ut they should listen now.” - he said. Whether the Neocons hear him or not is a question...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Lyndon LaRouche's Earth's Next 50 Years

        Lyndon LaRouche's Earth's Next 50 Years The measure of the advance of society is direc...government of the people, by the people, and for the people be preserved. True Sove...

        • i Witness NEWS

          A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

           A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Exp...-- man and mankind. It is not a ques...s or disarmament. Neither does the question of conscription or voluntary...olitical organization. And this is true because human loyalties, once...will withdraw from the League and declare w...

          • i Witness NEWS


            On Contact: The Coming Collapse of the American Economic System with...stian ideals -- much more incompatible with the teachings of Jesu...bsp;In economics, profit motivation is to service motivation what fear...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Q: The Plan To Save The World

              Q: The Plan To Save The World   Q is the beginning of the end of a society the deception of the deep state of the ruling class and the beginning of a True Type...

              • i Witness NEWS

                The Future of Global Capitalism with David Harvey

                On Contact: The Future of Global Capitalism with David Harvey...stian ideals -- much more incompatible with the teachings of Jesu...bsp;In economics, profit motivation is to service motivation what fear...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  The Christian Church is the Cocoon from which will emerge the New Revelation of the Life & the Teachings of Jesus

                  The Christian Church is the cocoon from which will emerge the New Revelation of the Life & the Teachings of Jesus The Christian church is the cocoon in which Jesus' concept of the kingdom now slumbers. The Urantia Book: Empowering people who serve the Master.

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    World Unity in Government

                    Political Sovereignty and True Representative Government &nb...Political Sovereignty and True Rep...The Ten Stages of a True Representative Government by...RE Click to hear Jesus speak on Political Sovereignty...EIGNTY -- DIVINE AND HUMAN by Jesus of Nazareth, May AD 25 at Ur...

                    • Carlos Leite da Silva

                      THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - The Revelation for the Third Millennium (The Urantia Book)

                      THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - The Revelation for the Third Millennium...years ago] 1. The Dalamatian teachings.  The true concept of the First Source a...nnium after Christ. [Around 2,000 years ago] 4. Jesus of...

                      • Carlos Leite da Silva

                        O PAI Universal - A Revelação para o Terceiro Milênio (O Livro de Urântia)

                        O PAI Universal - A Revelação para o Terceiro Milênio (O Livro de Ur&a...ra do primeiro milênio depois de Cristo. [Há cerca de 2 mil anos] 4. Jesus de...